21 Oct 2023 17:40:33


22 Oct 2023 13:40:16
Wow Ed032, i've tried to explain to close family and friends, some have listened, a little, some still asleep. Perhaps i've not explained it well enough....

Anyway watching and hearing it explained like the way the Dr presented it, it's so clear.


{Ed032's Note - It is one thing to understand something but it is a whole different kettle of fish explaining one's mind to another. There will be so many things you could not possibly see because they are in someone else's mind. How could you? (*not Greta)

This is actually a repost from several months? (not sure, time is strange) but considering you are a regular and didn't see it has drawn things to my attention;

Even though I know and share it, not all will know and see it it but it is difficult to know the minds of readers when they don't post. It is like trying to help something that is not there. Impossible, no?

22 Oct 2023 20:22:15
Totally missed it first time around. It must have been a really busy time at work when I didn't have the opportunity view all posts.

I hear you Ed032 "it is one thing to understand something but it is a whole different kettle of fish explaining one's mind to another. There will be so many things you could not possibly see because they are in someone else's mind. How could you? (*not Greta)" I guess it's wanting to provide a different / balanced view of the things going on from my own understanding when most (though I know quite a few people that have since seen some 'light') do still watch, listen and/or read the printed MSM BS.

I've felt for a while now, deep down, that despite everything that is going on, we'll (humanity) be alright sand those causing conflict - we all know those people- will, somehow, someway, be brought to justice.


{Ed032's Note - When the LE put the amount of energy they do in suppressing the Truth you know they are struggling to win the fight, KDIRJB. It is when they feel they don't need to do this, is the time to worry.