07 Jan 2015 16:34:12
Talk of Prince Andy, Bill Clinton and to a lesser degree Blair this week. what happens? Paris

07 Jan 2015 17:29:06
It isn't a false flag. Some people are too obsessed with everything being a false flag.

07 Jan 2015 18:49:12
Nothing false about it, it was carried out to cause a reaction or a distraction so as something that is about to happen can be justified or something that is going on will be pushed out of the news. The question is who?

Anyone who thinks the Paris attack was because a few Muslim radicals were pissed of by a magazine who took the piss out of all religions probably believe bin laden was behind 9/11.

Truth is we'll never find out what's really gone on with stuff like this. We only get the cover story, which serves various agendas. Israel are probably quite unhappy with the intention of France to recognise Palestine as an official state. It's not unknown of Mossad to do a spot of murdering & blame it on Islam; could alter public opinion on the matter.

I was thinking about this last night, could be an agenda to limit publication of free speech, I found it very strange to be honest, Garbo