22 Nov 2015 21:17:21
new david icke interview which mentions current events like censorship, refugees, syria and putin, also he says angela merkals is the top of the kabul.

{Ed033's Note - There's a rumour that Angela Merkel is a polish jew and that is one of the reasons why she doesn't mind ruining Germany.

23 Nov 2015 00:43:55
I find this website extremely racist. Every world issue is blamed on Jews. I know you'll all reply saying that there is a difference between zionism and Judaism is different, however ed 033 last post says it all. Saying that Merkel is a polish jew and is ruining Germany because she is, is crazy. What also makes me laugh is how everything is a false flag attack. The world news is corrupte and you advise people not to trust it, however you recommend that people should trust the words of David ice. The crack pot ex goalkeeper that believes that there are shape shifting lizard people incharge of the world, or at least walking amongst us. I mean, what is crazier, believing that there are lizard people or terrorists. You guys are a serious bunch of crack pots that live in sum kind of fantasy land. The one post that cracked me up the most was the conversation about. "did the right side win the world wars". Come on guys, do you really think this way. Have you all taken too many drugs in your youth or do you really have no grip on real life. I'd love to meet some of you guys in person, just to see how messed up you really are.

23 Nov 2015 07:31:59
'crack pot' 'fantasy' 'no grip on real life' 'messed up'
First of all congratulations on hitting almost every negative buzzword you could think of.
You have already answered your first point that zionism and judaism are different. Its also not racist on this site, do you actually really think it is?
And Ed033's last post started with the words 'theres a rumour'. He never claimed it was fact or that it was his opinion?

Do you need more proof that the world media is corrupt? Every news station is fed and regurgitates the same lines and constantly ignore controversial subjects and discussion. Newspapers are censored and controlled across the board. Look into the owners of these tv companies and newspapers and youll see a familiar trend that is seen worldwide in positions of power.

They are zionists. And that is not racist.
Just because you don't agree with one comment made by Icke doesn't mean that the validity of any other view he had should be discounted. The guy has spoken on some really interesting topics and is generally quite informative. Actually listen to what he has to say rather than already having your mind made up because of something you've heard or seen elsewhere.
I truly hope you don't believe people are messed up because they ask questions. We will never learn without asking questions.

And you mention false flags above. Why do all of these events that we question have so so many questions every time. How is there always such a shroud of mystery around these events on sites like this but mainstream media and the world news would have you believe each and every one of them is clean cut, open and shut and completely black and white, this is just simply not the case. If you even come away from this site asking yourself one questions consider the issue of passports at these false flag events.

Do you think its plausible that at all of these big attacks (9/11, 7/7, Paris) had terrorists who purposely carried identification in the form of a passport even though they were planning on killing themselves, and then that these passports survive absolutely everything to be conveniently found and held up as proof of the aggressors in any scenario. Are passports really indestructible?


{Ed033's Note - All great points Back!, which Lynchris couldn't counter.

Lynchris, i believe you're the epitome of the problem in our society; politically correct, ignorant and brainwashed to the point of being an 'attack dog' for the very group that is ruining our society.

Thanks, Frankscouser for posting the above video, David Icke is spot on again with what's going on.

23 Nov 2015 10:26:19
The lizard people aside (which I hope is metaphorical ) there is an agenda that doesn't get shown and there are great lengths that are being taken to distort and change how the average joe perceives the world. Of course you keep your mind open and to dismiss everything on this site is done at your own cost.

I also don't agree with everything but I just skip on past. And it's a valid question on whether the right side won the war if you think outside the box, and no I'm not a nazi although you would get locked up in Germany for even thinking it or questioning anything to do with how the Jews were treated. Surely control of freedom of speech.


{Ed033's Note - i think that David icke himself has never used thee term, 'lizard people' but has expressed it in terms of people being possessed by reptilian type entities, which at least sounds more plausible as the elite types go to rituals where an attempt is made to possess someone at the the ritual with another entity (whether this is real or not i don't know).

23 Nov 2015 13:24:52
I've not replied, not because I can't, because I've not had time being in work. The only point you make back is around the passports. They carry I'd with them to be identified so that they can claim the 'glory' of their act. Also the reason why the passports don't burn is due to a small things called physics. Mass, size and weight ratios. You should look it up, it's not hard to find. Suicide bombers blow up, they don't vaporise. Is there any other points you would like to discuss that I can disprove.


{Ed033's Note - i guess all we need to know about you is when you say, "the reason why the passports don't burn is due to a small things called physics."

23 Nov 2015 13:42:43
The only rumour I heard on Merkel was she was an agent of the stasi.

And she is ruining Germany with an open door immigration policy even some Germans are starting to question.

Personally only one side win the war and that was the money men.

23 Nov 2015 13:44:11
@lynchris this site promotes people taking on information from different sources, and encourages people to always have an open mind. I've never seen anyone telling us to believe everything David Ickes says, especially not to only believe him.

I see nothing in your original post apart from trying to throw some abuse at people who question the MSM. You claim every issue is blamed on the jews but only mention one piece of flimsy evidence for this.

Your last comment is laughable as well. Please explain to us all how to get a better grip on real life, as you seem to be doing so well. Your post is not only quite badly written but doesn't even offer anything to counter what this page is trying to offer. If this page is extremely racist, and the topics are all completely insane then join the threads and put forward your arguments.

23 Nov 2015 13:53:14
Well said. I don't argue with everything said on here but its interesting to see different ideas and fit things together in a different way.

23 Nov 2015 14:23:00
real jihadists which do exist by the way, usually make videos before an event not take their passport and guns, also I find it odd with the charlie hebdo event, the guys decided to bring there passports but wore balaclavas?

As for physics, the same people claim you can melt steel with jet fuel in the open air. As for being called racist, I find it odd, most of the posts are to warn 99.9% of the population against the 0.1%.


{Ed033's Note - The charlie hebdo attackers probably wore balaclavas because they probably didn't have the right facial 'look' to be a muslim terrorist. There was a rumour that one of them had blue eyes, which could suggest they were an agent?

23 Nov 2015 15:13:27
I think you have mentioned before Kim about keeping an open mind and not try and make everything fit to a conspiracy theory which is a good way to look at it.

If people can't see that there is a hidden agenda then they are blind and I suggest that people look at the facts and not get put off by some of the wilder theory's.

23 Nov 2015 15:19:36
Despite my only point (which wasnt my only point) being about the passports Lynchris you really haven't disproved it at all. In your expertise in physics could you explain how planes and human bodies are reduced to being completely unidentifiable whilst a flimsy passport remains unscathed? It is illogical to even think that this could be a possibility surely?

I do agree that suicide bombers blow up but that only serves to reinforce the question of how a passport survives unharmed from an explosion? Although there is a video circulating of a man performing cpr on one of the suicide bombers from Paris apparently, only the suicide bomber doesn't appear to have been blown up at all? Strange.


{Ed033's Note - maybe the bomb didn't go off correctly and just injured the potential 'bomber'.

23 Nov 2015 16:07:44
You asked for info about the passports. I posted a link and you don't post it. That says everything I need to know about you ed.


{Ed033's Note - The link you provided goes to a blank page for me. This blank page doesn't show the physics on why, "passports don't burn" as you claim? Link below.


23 Nov 2015 17:38:58
try this link


23 Nov 2015 17:42:02
Exactly. Just view all the available evidence and make your mind up. I don't agree with everything but I do concede that some things do fit.

Regards the passports. Its standard operating procedure for undercover agents to carry a passport. Your own plus embassy documentation on white ops as all they can do is kick you out the country.
Or a fake passport for black ops. So if anything goes wrong you can attempt to get out the country. Especially a major rail and plane hub like Paris.

I also can't see why suicide bombers would carry them unless they were to be placed to one side to be found and used for credit. But them having them suggests something about who trained them. Or that there was a back up plan if it went wrong. Or maybe they're just planted. But that's my input.

23 Nov 2015 19:34:06
kim I can see your points on the passports, you must find it strange that wearing masks to hide the identity but taking a passport makes no logic?

23 Nov 2015 21:17:18
Never said it didn't. I just explained one version.

Blowing yourself up for religion makes no sense to me either.