09 Nov 2016 18:18:35
So Trump wins and again I'm left ashamed at my age group 20-30, taking to facebook and twitter acting like the world is going to end. Before I go on I will say I'm glad I'm not American as I would of struggled to pick either. But, whinging like the world is going to end because trumps in power, nothing will change. a president is just the face of the decisions that's made it's not like it's a one man band taking on the world.

The media coverage is also a joke, just because darling Hilary didn't win there going to say this is the worst thing since brexit ;) . People need to realise that the media is a business and the only thing that sells papers or clicks is doom and gloom. Your not going to read a story that says everything's great here's to tomorrow. The reason it gets worse is because media companies have to keep topping their previous efforts of doom to keep the revenue ticking over. Once people realise that that's what the media companies are doing the world might be a little brighter. But instead the majority lap it up like is gospel then spread it all over social media.

Also I can't remember the last time an American decision actually effected me in my day to day life so everyone whinging needs to wake up and smell the coffee.

Last thing, I apologise this has turned into a rant, celebrities also need to shut up, yes they have a right to an opinion but to act like they know best is crazy. Their lives won't change a bit it's the every day folk that have lost jobs or had to struggle to find money to pay the next bill. But again the majority lap up what they say like there some Demi gods, nope, your all the same and without us normal folk you'd be nowhere. It's about time they realised that.

{Ed033's Note - Who programmed them in the first place to think that Donald Trump was going to be a nightmare - the main stream media. He hasn't done anything yet.

09 Nov 2016 21:13:07
11000 of these idiots voted for Harambe the gorilla. Says it all really.

09 Nov 2016 20:59:24
Exactly Ed033, the issue to the majority of our issues is the media as it's just used to further their agenda. Very frustrating especially when most just lap it up.


{Ed033's Note - yes, no independent thinking.

09 Nov 2016 22:56:01
Media and education.

10 Nov 2016 07:57:39
Trump, Clinton there's no difference, they are most likely controlled by the same people. The reason he won I'd assume is that the controllers want to change the agenda somewhat.
My guess is that Putin and others could have gone rogue and have maybe put a spanner in the works somewhat.
There could be a power shift amongst the elite with the general public being the sacrifial lambs.
We are already witnessing nationalistic propaganda from the media empire. The holy crusades are on going also.
A mix of national and religious hysteria will have no shortage of young men and women getting fitted out in uniforms only to be sent home in body bags organised public mourning. On their chests will be placed a piece of metal carved and shaped. A small price to pay? .
Wear your poppy with pride they say as they stockpile their bullion. And we do.

09 Nov 2016 23:03:56
People may as well be a Vegetable if they can't make conclusions on their own and control their own thoughts. Mainstream media dumbs down and is controlling those who eventually lose their comment, sense and natural instincts.

09 Nov 2016 23:33:22
What film is that pic from Ed? Rowdy Roddy piper film I believe.


{Ed033's Note - Yes, it's from the film, They Live (We Sleep).

10 Nov 2016 08:53:40
powercube.net hegemony and Gramsci more relevant than ever.