11 May 2017 12:17:38
Been a quiet week. Something brewing?

{Ed033's Note - Well, US negotiations have been going on with China and Russia behind the scenes to do with North Korea and Syria/Iran; not to benefit the US or benefit any of we the people on Earth, but to forward the negative global agenda.

It's possible that the next 'brew' will be some kind of US 'hit' on North Korea if negotiations with China over North Korea 'fail'. Remember North Korea is one of the few countries left that isn't part of the globalist's central banking system, so at some point that has to be installed there.

They have now got globalist entity Henry Kissinger in to continue the 'normalisation' of Trump into a typical US globalist puppet President.

11 May 2017 18:22:09
Hi ed one of my mates keeps saying that I think by next year there will be a one world currency in place or something along those lines. And he believes it will be sold to us as to accepting it by writing off global debt. In which I can't believe as whoever the debt is owed to surely wouldn't write it off. Do you have any info regarding this?


{Ed033's Note - if they were going to bring a one world currency for we the people to use in our daily transactions, then they'd have to give us all quite a bit of notice, like at least a couple of years.

Also, the current financial system can't cope with infinite debt, so at some point they are going to have to do something, but they won't be writing off the global debt within the next few years.

They do have a serious issue with robots and A.I. taking over from humans in the workforce (maybe 50% of the jobs gone in 10 years time), because what do you do with all the slaves that you no longer need working for you? If you also consider that we live on a planet with limited resources, essentially you will have a load of useless people (from the elite's point of view) using up limited resources.

if you were playing a computer game with this type of scenario, you'd probably want to remove a certain amount of 'humans' in the game; probably the ones using up the most amount of resources.

Anyway, what they have shown us is that they are moving towards a cashless world, by removing large denominated notes from circulation in some countries and moving away from certain payments in cash.

An idea that they had a few years ago is that when they are ready for a cashless world, everyone would be given 1 payment card (i.e. chip in the card or chip in your hand) and then every transaction by individual people could only take place via that chip, so that all transactions by individual people could perfectly monitored and if they wanted to take any money from you in tax or fines, then they would just take it. And if you didn't do/think exactly as they wanted, they could turn off your chip.

12 May 2017 10:55:26
I'm not by any means an expert or enthusiast on this subject, but I would say in terms of finance/ banking it is completely likely that physical cash will cease to exist in the relatively near future. As things push forward and populations grow exponentially it will be of absolute priority that people are able to be monitored and controlled as closely as possible and a large part of that will involve our expenditure and general cash flow.

You can monitor and build a focused picture on anyone by seeing how they utilise their funds. Its probably one of, if not the prime tool used to build a compelling profile of someone. It tells a vast story.

The reason the government opposition to cryptocurrencies like bitcoin etc. Is so immense is because it showcases the future of money laundering. A virtually untraceable (well, extremely difficult to trace) way of moving cash around and they hate that to the core. It's why major retail outlets have initially accepted it as payment and then soon after declined. Clearly pressed to disassociate with the idea by the powers that be.

I think ed033 is right. Its not something that can be rolled out immediately but it will be pushed, no doubt, as a security measure and we will be told that it will benefit us to no end. People think it's a mammoth task but less than 10% of the world's cash flow is printed in physical form so in terms of rollout it's fairly straightforward. The 10% unfortunately relates to us measly peasants that have bugger all in the main.

Fun times ahead!

12 May 2017 19:27:48
I love the fact that when the government says we are so many trillions in debt! In debt to who? The great British empire is in debt I say tell them to **** off your not getting your money back what exactly are you going to do about it! So the country is an asset to the bankers. I say send the biggest bailiffs you got.


{Ed033's Note - Essentially, the government has a 'duty' in any country that is part of the globalist's centrally banking system to take the country into bankruptcy and remain perpetually in bankruptcy (countries remain in bankruptcy for 70 years).