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17 Nov 2014 22:27:44
Hi, first time poster. Just wondering if anyone had any heard on atom (digital banking) and how everything is going to be done without cards and supposedly branches. Suppose to be the next big thing in the next couple of years from what I hear and seems like big competition to other banks. I had never heard of them until today and wondered if anyone had any thoughts or had heard of them?


{Ed033's Note - This wholly online banking system starts next year around the same time as Roger Hayes was going to start the Lawful Bank.

Roger hayes at AV5 conference 2014 - bankster mortgage fraud presentation

1.) Thank you Ed033.

I have watched this presentation twice already and would highly recommend it. Roger Hayes does a great job at exposing the fraudulent banking system and helping people on how to confront it.

{Ed033's Note - thank you for watching it.




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The chris spivey take on thing is very one sided the way I seen him put it looks as if he is just digging to try find anything out of nothing. He might be good at what he does but to me it comes across as if he is not looking at it with one concept in mind its a false flag. He is just plain looking to mount anything he can to turn this in to a conspiracy. There is an emergancy stop button in the bin truck next to the driver why was it not hit? There could be any serious of reasons why it wasnt who knows. I like to thing when looking at a conspiracy you look at both sets of evidence and find the flaws to prove the point but in my opinion it was just a tragic accident. Sorry for going on a bit but reading what chris spivey said is insulting as I said he is looking for anything to make this in to something its not




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I'm from glasgow it happened outside my work. 100% not a terrorist attack suppose to be the bin driver had a heart attack or some kind of fit at the wheel while driving. Another sad christmas time in glasgow after the clutha helicopter crash last year around.





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