15 Dec 2023 09:07:27
So, my family and I have this, as reported in certain quarters, the "highly contagious" '100-day cough' (or Whooping Cough). We've had it for what seems to be a good number of weeks, and is, quite frankly, draining.

We've tried honey, tumeric, ginger and some other health products, but seems to just linger.

Can anyone recommend a good health product / supplement that may help alleviate this cough? Thanks in advance.

Btw, I think the LE has something to do with this spread.

{Ed033's Note - This '100-day cough' could be a new BIOWEAPON that was released? If so, we don't know what it is as yet or how to combat it.

From Dr Ardis' info it could be another VENOM based BIOWEAPON? If so, then maybe taking those Dr Ardis recommended supplements may help? (VIT C, NAC, NICOTINE GUM/ PATCHES and a few others)

It also depends on the amount of spare money you have to spend on supplements.

In my personal opinion [which can't be taken as advice], the first thing i would personally try is Altrient C Liposomal Vitamin C [very expensive though] with adults taking several sachets per day spaced out throughout the day?

15 Dec 2023 19:43:27
Thanks Ed033. I will definitely check out the Altrient Liposomal Vitamin C. I do already take a multivitamin, not advertising, but if allowed to state, it's the Naturelo brand - Multivitamin for Men. Though if anyone has other suggestions on multivits, then I'll look into it.

Been given a course of anti-biotics, which i'm loathed to take, but right now - think i'll have too.

Even though I did say that I think the LE have something to do with this in my previous message, I seriously hope I'm wrong, that this is not a bioweapon and down to something natural.

Btw, from a test conducted earlier in the week, the results came back late this afternoon. They called it Haemophius influenza!


{Ed033's Note - It's some nasty bacteria.