28 May 2020 20:05:10
Most of the technology we have now was inherited or back engineered from the technology available in the previous civilisation before us.

28 May 2020 20:19:18
In order to control us they want everyone as far away from reality as possible. For instance, they want everyone's minds thinking they are a random spec of insignificant nothing living on an insignificant random globe in an endless universe. And they will go to any length to protect those lies.

29 May 2020 17:01:07
do you believe the Earth is flat Ed? Sorry, been reading for a long time, just started posting.


{Ed033's Note - I think the Flat Earth model is closer to reality than the Globe model / Heliocentric model.

If you've been reading for a long time then if you had watched the videos, then you would at least see why i might think the Flat Earth model is closer to reality.

01 Jun 2020 19:21:35
ooooooo Ed any chance you can repost or add a link for me please its the main conspiracy that grabs me but I'm on the fence getting splinters

The control of people is easy tell them to grow and get a family and a house they need to work 40+ hours to afford this. zoo animals get a free cage and free food we are no different to them except we pay for our cage and work to earn it.

if you challenge the system they take back your cage / home and throw you and your family on the streets.

Animals forced into captivity have massively reduced life span than the same animal in the wild animals born in captivity as the generations go on they live longer and longer. a bit like the human race. our life expectancy increases every generation are we in captivity but completely unaware.


{Ed033's Note - There's 2 ways we can do this, if you want the quicker way, you go to the bottom of the page, click on Talk Conspiracy 22 and watch the videos and read text from:
13 Dec 2019 13:16:36
THE-CORPUS-JURIS and the Magna Carta. And then move forward in time.

or I'll start reposting these from that date forward so people can get up to speed.

02 Jun 2020 17:30:02
looking is no trouble as long I know where to look mate thank you.