30 Jan 2021 21:48:22
Could anyone point me to where I would find a conditional acceptance letter template for the upcoming vaxs?

{Ed033's Note - If you want some quick template letter then here is a Notice of Conditional Acceptance of a Medical Intervention.

It would make sense to me to also require as a condition something like the following:

A personalised insurance document valid for any point in the future, so if it was determined that the ' C.V.-19 vax' genetically modified me to any extent or injured me to any extent, or disabled me to any extent or contributed in any way to my death, that a payout of 10 million ounces of Sterling silver would be made to me if i'm still alive or to my closest relative if not.

And i would have to personally verify the insurance document was genuine and correct. And i would have to physically view and verify the purity of each of the 10 million ounces of Sterling silver that would be assigned as the surety. :)

31 Jan 2021 11:20:01
Appreciate it ed.


{Ed033's Note - We have to realise that the vax is an offer, but in their fictional admiralty maritime pseudo contract system, we shouldn't cause controversy by refusing, so we have to 'Stay in Honour' by conditionally accepting with our terms to accept.

If they want to negotiate the terms, that's fine, but if the parties [them and you] can't agree on the terms, then it's no one's fault and the vax can't go ahead because there is no acceptance of the vax offer.

[Admittedly , we're dealing with sickos, so they'll try to get around this.]

A question for people is; seeing as though [according to a number of newspapers worldwide] some of these healthy young vax testers died or became disabled/injured and that these vaxs are known to sterilise and genetically modify people, and the vax producers have immunity from being sued, shouldn't those trying to get us vaxxed, give us insurance and at what price we say, seeing as what were risking?

That seems reasonable to me. And if they don't go for insurance at our price level, then the terms to accept their vax isn't met.

01 Feb 2021 12:31:50
Whats your thoughts on the more traditional vaxs? . I. e. non mrna
My family is adamant they want a vax but i'm trying to steer them away from the mrna ones.


{Ed033's Note - We don't need any of them and never have.

Guaranteed if anyone of us said to anyone how would you like [the list of vacc1ne ingredients] injected into you, they say no thanks.

Can you imagine it, Oh yes please inject me with the one with the chimpanzee adenovirus in it. Oh and nano sized aluminium as well, small enough to pass the blood brain barrier to help me become senile.

Why would anyone want to risk dying / being injured / being sterilised / being genetically modified?