01 May 2021 21:08:09
The Borax Conspiracy: How the Arthritis Cure has been stopped.

01 May 2021 21:19:28

06 May 2021 16:02:41
level teaspoon in a litre of water has done wonders in last three months. arthritis down 60% much mobility regained.


{Ed033's Note - It's possible that by taking other mineral supplements, more improvement could be made. The problem is affording them?

Zinc is cheap, maybe Magnesium Chloride Hexahydrate (Food Grade) is cheap?

If people have the money, then youngevity-supplements.co.uk might be a way to go.

07 May 2021 06:38:23
i will have a look into that youngevity-supplements.co.uk edd. cheers. i do take zinc also vit D.
forgot to mention dose of borax is desert spoon mornning and 12 hours later from the above 1liter mixed bottle.


{Ed033's Note - ok thanks for giving the amounts that are working for you