15 Jul 2021 11:42:03
Morning - Ed or anyone, what's your thoughts on the 'fall of the cabal' and 'the sequel to the fall of the cabal'?
It's pretty in depth


15 Jul 2021 22:56:25
Christ I’m not sure.

Fall of the Cabal
Out of the Shadows

If all this information is so easy to see, find and interpret why is the authorities not doing something?

Why is Trump made out to be the saviour?
Why was it linked so much to Q?

Overall I think there is some truth but how much not sure.

I was talking to a holistic health person and we got into spirituality and amongst a host of other things we agreed that we all have guardian angels, there is more good than bad and humans have got dumber.

The positive thing is out of this Scamdemic, more people have woken up, more people are spending time with family, more people appreciate simpler things and much of the Woke stuff (LGBTQI, religion etc) has taken a small step backwards.

I am a catholic and used to be quite strict re the holidays of obligations and sacraments but now I am moving towards the scroll of St Thomas. “ lift a rock. I am there, break a piece of wood . I am there. ”

I believe the Pope is part of the problem as the church has been over the years.

So I hope the Cabal if true does fall but like Q drops and other things the matter is when.

15 Jul 2021 23:30:59
It pleases my conspiracy mind to watch and follow.
But pretty much just a written scroll that sounds good with some bits of truth in .
But also psyop in part to
Only my opinion.


{Ed033's Note - She thinks Q is going to save everyone from the Cabal.
What is Q?
Is Q a Quantum computer?

17 Jul 2021 00:18:03
That did come across mind mind once or twice ed033.
Also with every thing they have been talking about blocking the sun.
Cutting human population
Total control.
It's like the controllers are asking the A. I for fixes to the created problems.
But if A. I is as smart as they say why would it do things that favours it's creator's.
Ultimately it would realise our demise would be it's gain.
Also we know computers and electronics and chips .
But what if the A. I is a new device for demonic to speak and communicate.
Bit like white noise and radio .
But a new more technical one.


{Ed033's Note - Yes, A.I. can likely be 'possessed' by 'entities' or they can communicate to 'entities' through it as you say.

17 Jul 2021 11:07:51
It is quite interesting ed.