14 Nov 2021 16:35:48
So lockdown of the unjabbed in Austria, how long until that's happening in the UK?.

{Ed032's Note - Hi, .z.. . Welcome to the site.

I assume Austria is the 'test' event. Bojo is already 'watching the storm clouds' over the EU (seeing how the test plays out). And I am pretty sure the 'LE' don't want anyone celebrating Christmas.

Once 'they' finish their partying at the MSBS cop26 you can as sure as 'hell' bet they will start ramping up restrictions to forward and enforce their 'LE' agenda. Whether it's a total lockdown of everyone or just the unvaxxed, we will just have to see.

Now that 'Santa' is double vaxxed (the propaganda horsemeat supermarket Ad) with no side effects it is probably more of a case of the vaxxed turning on the unvaxxed to do the LE's dirty work, for them. Especially if it is a lockdown for all. The Satanic shepherd cares not for any of his flock, let them turn on each other and fight amongst themselves. Divide and conquer.

14 Nov 2021 18:52:34
What you have to remember is the massive BS web of lies 'WE' have all been fed, .z.

Vaxx doesn't stop the spread, but they are making everyone of the sheeple think that is the case. They are now trying to empower the vaxxed sheeple to shun anyone that hasn't had the LE jabs.

Remember this?:

14 Nov 2021 19:30:36
Thankyou for your response Ed. I have been a reader on here for many years maybe 10 years or so. Would you say civil War is inevitable? Surely that's the only way out right.


{Ed032's Note - You're welcome, .z... . Glad it's only taken you 10 years to post and no longer. Good to have you on board.:)

There are only a few things in this Realm that are inevitable. The Light outshines the Dark and Life is precious and mortal.

So, in answer to your question to me, no, it is not inevitable.

Thanks for posting, .z...