02 Dec 2021 11:52:43
Germany reported 67,186 new COVID cases on Wednesday, up 302 from a week ago, and 446 deaths - the highest daily figure since 18 February, bringing the overall death toll to 101,790.

In total, four people in southern Germany have tested positive for the newly-identified Omicron coronavirus variant.

Europe is experiencing a surge of COVID-19 cases and a growing number of infections due to the Omicron variant.

From yahoo news, guess whats funny?

02 Dec 2021 15:16:27
Sorry duccablue, editing on my mobile wasn't easy and just posted without a response. Apart from stats from Yahoo, what's funny? I looked for obvious numbers but my mind is elsewhere today. Pray tell, pal?

03 Dec 2021 07:31:54
101790 deaths = 1+0+1+7+9+0 = 18
6+6+6= 18
6uild 6ack 6etter


{Ed032's Note - Thanks, Igor Biscans Boots. I was making it more complex :)

04 Dec 2021 13:34:50
Nice one Igor but I wasn't thinking about that at all. It was more the idea that only 4 out of 67,186 were from Omicrom but the tone of the artical suggests that it was driving up the numbers.


{Ed032's Note - Thank for clearing up your question, duccablue. I nearly turned into 'Walter' from 'The Number 23' trying to figure exactly what you meant. I went slightly deeper (a lot) than Igor Biscans Boots, haha. I did realise what you have just said but thought you found a deeper meaning. Whatamistakertomaker.

It's weird isn't it. You would never think of MSBS exaggerating the 'Truth' to fit their masters rhetoric, would you?

You have so many people in power contradicting themselves with what is going on and what to do. It is almost as though they want the 'public' to 'tell' them to take away their freedoms willingly, don't you think?. All part of the plan.

05 Dec 2021 02:39:25
hahaha, sorry to put you through that Ed. I'll behave myself in future.


{Ed032's Note - You should see my walls, duccablue ;)