10 Jan 2022
New image uploaded to the
Conspiracy Talk Sightings page entitled, Interesting to think if this will be a fair go or is it just for show?

Click picture for larger image

10 Jan 2022 17:43:18
Thanks, Lickyfields_M7.

Watching the interviews and such with Dr Fuellmich and releases from Mark Sexton does create hope for a win for Light over the LE.

On the other hand, it could just be a massive collaboration of controlled opposition taking a case to a controlled court system purely wasting everyone with open eyes, with the ability to 'see', time.

Coin toss.

10 Jan 2022 17:58:12
I hope it’s successful Ed, however we know how corrupt the LE are so I’m sure people can understand my scepticism. Sadly im thinking only a revolution can save us at this point.


{Ed032's Note - becoming evil to overthrow evil will just continue the chain. Helping and waking people is the only way to a true free world. Revolutions only end in war. just playing into 'their' hands.

10 Jan 2022 23:01:39
Your right Ed, and I’m not condoning violence or anything I just feel they’d need to be overthrown if they were to be rid of. More and more people are waking up though so hopefully if enough people protest and challenge them (peacefully/lawfully), we can get to them that way :)


{Ed032's Note - 'They' are but a few. The 'People' are of many. Get rid of the hypnosis and brainwashing and 'they' stand no chance.