27 Feb 2022 09:04:30
Is it just me who thinks this all stinks of hypocrisy regarding the Russia Ukraine situation. Russia tries to protect their sovereignty by not wanting nato to advance and surround their country yet Australia and Canada put police on the streets hitting and bashing their own people and putting their own people into quarantine camps while governments round the world stayed quiet because it goes along with the narrative.

{Ed032's Note - Yes. The thing is we are just seeing part II act I of the LE pantomime "The Great Reset/agenda21/30", Jacynta.

Every chance Putin is a stand-in double, puppet and on the other side you have the comedian actor Volodymyr Zelenskyy who, before becoming president of Ukraine, for 4 years, played the role of being president of Ukraine, as an actor. If that doesn't scream puppet then I do not know what does.

27 Feb 2022 14:05:47
100 per cent Ed this is just playing out as one big pantomime with all watching on.i hate saying it but we are all just pawns in this game who these satanists are willing to sacrifice at any time. I do feel the world population is to far gone now and believe anything they are being told.


{Ed032's Note - I am a bit more hopeful, in some ways, in that I think there are more red-pilled people than is being let on (much the same as there are a lot more unvaxxed) or at least more people stirring from the hypnosis.

IMO this war is to fast track more cyber/internet LE powers/laws so they can shut down more of the fringe sites, such as this one, from spreading alternatives and questioning the narrative (or rather spreading the truth) that the LE controlled MSBS is forcing everyone to believe. The LE are getting scared which is why there was a quick flip from Convid to the war narrative. Kick people's spirits when they are down and have the least energy. Keep them in fear and divided.

The problem is, generally speaking, most people are happy to live life and be nice and care for others. They are happy not to tell or force people in to what to do. Then you have the few LE scum that take advantage of that, take control of the masses to forward a satanic agenda and corrupt then whole system.

When the Realm-wide revolution comes, you wouldn't need to overthrow that many to get a natural, peaceful harmony again. You just need the masses to see it with their own blinkered eyes and to wake up.

27 Feb 2022 14:32:53
Funny you mentioned the covid thing Ed I was wondering to myself last night no more talk of it on bs news just now just Ukraine and Russia conflict


{Ed032's Note - WW3 spreads a lot more fear than some make-believe BS 'virus', Jacynta.

27 Feb 2022 23:18:31
Have you seen the Zelensky video where he wins Ukraine's Dancing with the Stars? Pure theatre.


{Ed032's Note - No, but I will keep an eye out for it as you mentioned it. I have no doubt it is theatre though, Scouseduckred.

28 Feb 2022 08:10:19
Hope this works.

Zelenskyy won the Ukrainian version of Dancing with the Stars in 2006.


{Ed032's Note - Thanks, Scouseduckred.

Well, he must have had loads of time, been completely against narcissism with an un-vacuous mind and totally focused on politics with empathy towards Ukrainian people to learn all them moves.

Eric Feigl-Ding is also just another sycophant LE puppet, bending over on request to get his share of gold.

28 Feb 2022 12:30:09
Have yous seen the supposed picture doing the rounds of actor Steven segal with Russian troops on the ground


{Ed032's Note - Haha. No. I know he has some ties with Russia/(fake) Putin and ran away to Russia to hide from some cryptocurrency fines. That went well. At the end of the day he is just some old, dye-haired, deluded nutjob that believes he is living in a 1980's film set.

28 Feb 2022 14:45:18
Haha ill try and post it ed


{Ed032's Note - OK. Thanks, I think, Jacynta.