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21 Jan 2022 21:38:13
Been a weird couple of days here in Northern Ireland, the whole covid situation seems to have taken a completely different direction.

Early Thursday morning after England's announcement abt easy restrictions we were warned that we shouldn't be expecting our restrictions lifted as quick, then by Thursday dinner time many of them were lift the next day with more to follow on the 26th.

MSMB over here has also started to change their tune, reporting things that question the narrative that they have been spinning all along.

Steven Nolan radio show run by BBC over here has been scare mongering right from the get go and are now seem to be changing there tune too, they even said abt the South African doctor saying omicron was milder and we didn't need to be as concerned, I'm pretty sure that doctor said that abt a month ago so why report it now.

Was wondering if this is happening anywhere else or does anyone have a clue why things seem to be taking a 180 and so quickly?


{Ed032's Note - It could be because a lot more seem to be stirring from the hypnotic LE induced sleep and beginning to question things. Give them a lot of the things taken away, back to them. Make them forget before they take it all away again with a new fictitious 'strain' that has never been 'isolated' right around March time when the said vaxxine 1.1 will be ready. All the sheep will once again be queuing up for their satanic serum shot.

1.) 22 Jan 2022 09:20:15
I believe the restrictions being lifted has a lot to do with the criminal investigation currently going on for crimes against humanity.

{Ed032's Note - If the criminal investigation actually goes ahead and isn't sabotaged by the LE somehow or even another controlled opposition narrative, because their control over things are too great. It won't make the slightest difference what they do now.

They can never undo the harm and satanic deeds they have already performed on the Intelligent Creators work known as Humanity. If the true Laws of this Realm are followed correctly it will have them all brought to justice.

So this being said I would be surprised if they are trying to back track for this reason.

2.) 22 Jan 2022 12:00:10
Makes sense, Angrychef. According to Anna De Buisseret, they may have sent Cease and Desists as part of the criminal notices to loads of people. This is scary for them because they now have to hope that they can be protected by the L.E. to stop it going any further. So they maybe complying with the Cease and Desists at the moment.

3.) 22 Jan 2022 17:22:06
Maybe you, AngryChef and Ed033, are right. Maybe I am too cynical to think the 'Law' systems in place are not too corrupted by the Satanists to do what it says on the tin, uphold the Law. I still fear they are for show. With Canada, Australia, and many Euro countries all acting from a different hymn sheet I feel these court systems are controlled pantomime. Every fibre wants me to be wrong on that judgement. But the dots don't aligned and add up to anything I can take comfort from.

They have been working on this plan for decades. With their vast network and wealth do you not think they have not played out all scenarios?. And the fact the the LE controlled Blackrock and Vanguard own stakes in EVERYTHING means they have their fingers in all the relative pies to sway things any which way they want, with dirt and skeletons on everyone they wish to control. There is every possibility that Fuellmich, McCullough, Malone, Fauci, Biden, Trump, etc etc are all 'Puppets for the puppeteers' from the same cast/script and part of the well thought out plan which has been acted out numerous times over the centuries with all the resets, given 'them' plenty of practice and foresight into how to deal with any supposed hinderances.

Cynical? Yes. Wrong? I hope so.



31 Dec 2021 22:40:16
Was watch football the other day just before it started the players all took he knee before ko.

It got me thinking abt the reason they take the knee, apparently it is to support against racism, it is to supported people who are different from others and how they shouldn't be treated differently because of this.

I find it hard to understand how these people can take the knee for these reasons then in press conference and interview put pressure on people for being different and not taking the vaccine by tell people they should take it.

Just a thought


{Ed032's Note - Totally agree. Sadly the LE mind control is strong, bert13. It is just another divide and conquer tactic.



29 Dec 2021 18:56:24
Eds, fellow posters, has anyone heard anything abt the CDC saying they will no longer use the PCR test after 31Dec as it can't tell the difference the ordinary flu and covid 19??


{Ed032's Note - Didn't we all know the test was BS anyway, bert13. The CDC announced this on their website back in July that on 31/12/21 the BS PCR test would be withdrawn. They don't, however, mention it being not fit for purpose in the first place.

They just needed the time to sell all the BSPCR tests they made for the 'big con' which is why there is a Realm-wide shortage of tests at the moment. Convenient timing don't you think?

It is all just another part of the satanic web of lies we are all being fed. Basically, more proof not to trust any of the LE corporations that think they have the right to rule 'us'

1.) 29 Dec 2021 19:25:23

Next their'll be saying, "oh, by the way. The vaxxcine is making you ill" when it has all been part of the plan from before the very start. They are Satanist freemason sc*m!


2.) 29 Dec 2021 20:34:40
Will the uk continue to use PCR test? It's amazing how much information there is out there for people and they won't believe any of it because the BBC don't report it.

{Ed032's Note - I would only be guessing as to what the LE will continue to use in the UK or anywhere else within the Realm for that matter but my guess would be they will continue with anything and everything all the while the sheeple get ruled by fear and believe the B(s)B(s)C(..ts) or any of the other controlled MSBS, bert13.



20 Dec 2021 22:26:16
Interesting interview on Spotify, The Joe rogan experience show interviewing Dr. Peter A Mc cullough.

It's over 2 hours long but some really interesting stuff, would advice anyone on here to have a listen.


{Ed032's Note - The video of the whole show is posted on here a few days ago (17th Dec), bert13. Thanks for pointing it out though as others may have missed it too.

Dr. Peter A. McCullough | ⁣#1747 - The Joe Rogan Experience. Dec 13, 2021




16 Dec 2021 20:41:53
No point getting yourself worked up peteprice, some people just don't think politicians would lie to them, tv only reports the truth, oh yea and pharmaceutical companies wouldn't put life's at risk for profit.

When people tell me im mad now I just ask them if they know anyone works in a supermarket, supermarket workers have been mixing with everyone for 2 years, handling products and money after people, no windows to open to let the virus out and Air-conditioning that recycles the same air over and over all day, I guess they're all just lucky lol.


{Ed032's Note - Wise words, bert13.

1.) 16 Dec 2021 21:23:58
Thanks Bert although I'm fine and if anything it's all good as it's given both pages a fair bit of traffic.




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12 Jan 2022 17:32:34
I can see this playing out 3

1. He gets deported before tournament starts.

2.He gets removed from court while warm up(Brazil v Argentina style)

3. He plays but has to retire and it will be define intervention,with breathing problems possible so people will say Djokovic was unvaxxed and had to retire with breathing difficulties so that puts an end to the sheeple questioning athletes dropping.


{Ed032's Note - 4. He eliminates the satanic mason connections by winning the tournament, then giving the corrupt Australian government the finger and dedicates the win to the 'free' Realm whilst publicly announcing the vaxxine is a control poison.

There is always hope, however slim, United ireland. ;)



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08 Jan 2022 22:03:44
While we'll never know for sure if it was set up or not I think we can all agree that it is definitely something they want us to see. Sky, daily mail, guardian and BBC all giving this great coverage.

I suppose it will make the sheeple think that Doctors are asking questions and the government are answering they're concerns before making it mandatory for NHS workers.


{Ed032's Note - The fact the MSBS LE controlled media are showing you something you need to be looking at what the other hand is doing or what they are not showing.

1st April all NHS and health care sector employees will have to be fully vaxxed (what ever that term will mean then?) because the LE tweaked some BS fictional health and social care Act 2008



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06 Jan 2022 17:52:28
That does sound like the worst case scenario but that probably deliberately, they can say they warned us it was coming(even if doesn't end up worse case scenario)and put a big push on religion and how they warned us and can save our souls.

Hope I don't offend anyone on here(no my intention) but religion has been in decline for years and I just think they would see it as a chance to give it a real boost again and gain more followers as people look more to religion in bad times.




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02 Jan 2022 20:54:01
Maybe I'm wrong but if these people have went this far as to lie and kill innocent people by they're 1000s, have managed to create a great deception that is world wide involving leaders of near ever country I don't think they are going to be brought down by an investigation.

Let's face it if they own the top politicians in every major country they are not being stop by police or the ICC, The only way this ends is by enough of the 99% waking up and stop listening to they're bullshit and stop following they're guidelines,stop taking they're fraudulent tests and just go back to normal life.

Saying that I live in hope and hopefully I'm wrong.


{Ed032's Note - This is what I fear.

That being said though. The LE have strict 'laws' of their own they have to 'obey'. The greatest trick of the Devil and all that. If everyone can 'see' him there is nowhere and no dark place he can hide or lurk for the Light will always find and abolish the 'dark'.

I may have sounded defeatist but that would mean no hope. I always have hope, bert13. Can you have fear with out hope?. I do not think so. No hope, no fear. I choose hope.

Maybe I am writing in riddles again. Apologises.



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29 Dec 2021 20:34:40
Will the uk continue to use PCR test? It's amazing how much information there is out there for people and they won't believe any of it because the BBC don't report it.


{Ed032's Note - I would only be guessing as to what the LE will continue to use in the UK or anywhere else within the Realm for that matter but my guess would be they will continue with anything and everything all the while the sheeple get ruled by fear and believe the B(s)B(s)C(..ts) or any of the other controlled MSBS, bert13.




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