10 Mar 2014 09:21:43
I took my daughter for her 1 year check up and was given some advice that has changed since I was there 5 years ago with my other daughter.
She asked if we brush her teeth. I said yes, with the low fluoride toothpaste for children. She then said "Oh no! Give her normal toothpaste as she needs more fluoride. " I pointed out that there is fluoride in the water. I will not over expose her to too much fluoride. "She needs more to protect her teeth"she said.
Never heard anything like it. Anyone else had this?

{Ed001's Note - I did have my dentist, inbetween practising for her weekend job as a torturer at Guantanamo, tell me I needed a high flouride toothpaste and writing out a prescription for one. She was stood there telling me that I should hold the toothpaste in my mouth as it would help the gaps in the teeth regrow. I haven't been back since, I just don't trust her to look after my teeth, as it is clear she hasn't got a clue what she is talking about!}

I just found it unnerving that they would be happy to expose a child that age to so much fluoride and not even explain the cons. They never said this to me with my eldest daughter. Then again, she also insisted that my daughter should be drinking out of normal cups now. She's 1 for Christ sake. Can you imagine the carnage? Kids are being made to grow up and fall in line to quickly these days.


{Ed001's Note - it seems like we are no longer allowed to be parents, all the choices we used to have to make every day, these days they are made for us. We are told what to think, how to think and what to think about. Kids development is mapped out along a specific line, any deviation leads to them being diagnosed with some condition or other. People are not educated, they are indoctrinated, ours dentists being a case in point. I asked my dentist why on earth she told me that more flouride would protect my teeth etc, and she had no real answer, she had never bothered to question what she was told, she just believed it. How on earth can a civilization move forward without questioning what we know, in an effort to learn more about what we don't know?}

Totally agree ed. I believe that teachers should guide children into finding facts. Not ram things down their throats. It was a quest for knowledge, not a recital from a text book. i'm relatively young still myself (27) but I really can't believe how the education system has changed so quickly. I have a younger sister who is still in high school and find it baffling some of the stuff she is taught and some of the stuff left out.

I was going to share these links in its own post but after seeing this post I think it deserves to be here the 1st link is about lies that are taught in schools


The 2nd link is about facts that ain't taught in schools


Fluoride calcifies the pineal gland. go figure.