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16 Dec 2013 23:00:43
Beyonces new album becomes record breaking with no PR or previews. Sounds great, until u realise that the woman is an illuminati tool, then u sit here thinking about the saturation of info going on here.

The masses jump on artists and transmit that stuff straight through their earphones into their heads. so easy.


1.) The establishment reports that a record number of her cds were sold. Emphasis on "reports".
What does record braking mean anyway, could it simply be another festive promotion? Who's doing the recording? What percentage of the world population are we talking about? Where are those populations concentrated? Who's Beyonce?
If you have any children do not forget to read them the story of "The Ugly Duckling". My version of that story ends with the ducks getting shot and eaten. They never developed the necessary skills to survive in the world, they never bothered learning how to be individuals before they joined society.

2.) 17 Dec 2013 08:14:20
So beyonce is in illuminati now is she? What do you guys get this off, and her album goes to number one with no reviews? Why is this supposed to mean? Her album went to 1 because te nation likes her music? Baha, what are you trying to accomplish


3.) Dude, both her and her husband are illuminati puppets. Aside from all the illuminati signs, fake pregnancy and before our eyes skin colour changing (illuminati want top top artists to be white, if not originally white they manipulate their image to plug into European aesthetics)

4.) White. um I think you'll find they are more brown (no pun). As for the pregnancy circus. wtf. They are not as important as they believe themselves to be. p (M)uppets or whatever. not bothered by them. really.

red blancmonge

5.) Reviews, peer reviews, experts and authorities are a method employed by the establishment to prevent people from forming their own opinions.
How insecure does one have to be, to not trust ones own opinion?
How ignorant does one have to be, to not contemplate the motives and interests masked behind authority?

6.) I personally think Beyonce, Kanye, Jay-Z, etc. have nothing to do with the NWO.

In my opinion it's just a gimmick for them, in the same way that some rappers claim to be 'gangsters' even though they're from a relatively middle class upbringing.

Illuminati is what is in atm, it sells, so it only makes sense financially to gimmick yourself as such.

7.) Judging from the messages they project through their music, shame to call it that as music was meant to project harmony, the are in favor of the establishment. Unless the promotion of sex, drugs, money, insecurity and ignorance are somehow beneficial to humanity.
Gibsy's claim can be easily verified by comparing their earliest and latest video clips on youtube. They are either getting whiter or someone messed up the brightness and contrast levels on their video clips.
As for them being Illuminati puppets for financial reasons, you are right anon LP. There are different degrees of masons and the lowest are the pawns. Use and dispose.



03 Oct 2013 22:03:10
Had one of my conspiracy convos earlier, after a news broadcast detailing the rising number of child abusers and parent on child homocide. The reality imo is children's energy is being harvested by the elites thanks to ELF waves transmitted in mobile phones etc, turning folk into collectors.

Yes I know these things went on in the good old days, but I honestly think we are witnessing the cases so depraved and so devoid of conscience that our existence on the Earth/in the dimension is reaching a critical point one way or the other.

Hitler used to sacrifice children for their special energy, 2 millennia ago people used to offer up children to Molech at Bohemian grove.

Now kids of 7 know about sex and its context. 7! The innocence is going and whennu take away the innocence u take away the stigma surrounding abuse, and once this goes, harvesting this energy will be unflinching.

I for one can see the wood for the trees, and believe the money stolen in these false flags are being pumped into dark tech. Tech which ranges from disintegration of buildings, to mind control to inter dimensional exploration (I'll post about that soon).

Question is who is this energy going to?


1.) Possible, your whole post makes me think of monsters inc movie of what I could interpret as a film with a dark subliminal message.


2.) What an interesting point u raise there. Disney have a lot to answer for for me, as I think they are in league with some shady beings.

We sound like a bunch of gutters saying this stuff, but if and when the end game is revealed I hope we are alive to say "told you so"

3.) Don't get me wrong no name, I can enjoy disney films or any film for that matter for what they appear to be, but I can't help but look at them differently sometimes from a different perspective. I would love to know if my hunches are true to the point that there is intentional symbols and an undertone to a lot of it. There's been a history for years regarding children's programmes of IMO possible references to drug use etc. It is not beyond the realms of possibility that references can be made to other things also.




18 Jul 2013 10:58:07
Hi guys, been away 4 a bit, but i'm back with a bang!

So in liue of the David Kelly case being scrutinized by experts. (check daily mail) and its 10 year anniversary. I got to thinking why are the case files subject 2 a time lock of 70 years? Why was it anjudge who ruled his death suicide as opposed 2 an expert?

After doing some reading up on the subject, I came across a similar piece about the late John Smith. This guy was a classic "old labourite". isn't it funny how if he got into power "new labour" would not have got a sniff? I mean let's face it Blair and his new labour peddled the one world, social dumbing down and zionist agenda. Funnier still his wife has a certain freemason in her family tree, a one John Wilkes Booth. if u know how 2 look u can see so many smoking guns.


1.) Cases are time locked to ensure all involved are dead when the case reopens.

How many corpses do you see in court?

Jimi 88

2.) Yes its called sweeping it under the carpet

3.) Or burying the truth

4.) I only live a few miles away from where Dr Kelly was killed. this is a complete cover up.



10 Jun 2013 23:38:49
Long time reader 1st time poster! Ok, so ill get 2 the point. So child abuse etc has been in the media heavily recently, so I decided 2 look up historical cases of this sick practice, 2 see if its a modern thing due 2 conditioning, or a consistent presence.

Eventually I was led to Bohemian Grove references in the bible, which detailed evil child sacrifice at a giant statue of Molech. This occult practice then led me to Hitlers sacrificing of illegitimate kids 2 harness some energy he believed existed in them.

The rux of my post is, the nwo, illuminati etc still pracrice these things involving kids and when someone speaks out or becomes savvy they are removed. Reference an article recently of a woman tv worker who was warned by Jill Dando of certain behaviors in the higher echelons of the establishment. Was she about to blow possibly the biggest whistle in British history?

What do u guys think?

{Ed033's Note - Obviously, child sacrifice and pedo on a mass scale has been performed by the elite i.e. high priests/royalty behind closed doors for 1000's of years.


1.) I think the mass public would be absolutely shocked if they found out how high it goes up and I do not mean your old age z list celebrities think about the most high profile people with power and a percentage of them in my opinion would have killed children as well.

2.) As ed033 says, this practice has been going on for thousands of years within all establishments. The amount of children that go missing throughout the world, never to be seen again, is quite staggering.
The number of cases that get to court has increased dramatically since the 1980's because the subject is no longer ignored or swept under the carpet. Attitudes have changed and people are prepared to speak out. It's an outrage that the politicians that have been implicated seem to be untouchable when it comes to the law, they should be treated the same as you or me. And I wait for the day that a certain 'family' are also brought to justice for such evil deeds.
I haven't seen anything about Jill Dando though, you got any links for that please Gibsy21?

3.) Religious or not, anyone can see that children represent the purest form of human.?. (4 the most part). So why would anyone want to devour/destroy this purity? i'm not a huge David Icke fan but he makes interesting points about the elites on this issue. Out there! But interesting none the less.

4.) 11 Jun 2013 09:23:10
Maddie macann?

5.) Maddie is a child abduction case that the whole world knows about. On the black market she would be worth a lot and would be too recognizable. You have 2 remember pedos love anonymity, so personal exposure in terms of trafficking would be too risky. She would also have been leaked onto the deep web etc and undercover operations would have got on the trail.

Im all but certain there is no material involving her as its the money involved for her return is too tempting for everyone 2 keep their mouths closed.

This girl imo isn't with us anymore, and the reason for this is again imo, occult related.

6.) 11 Jun 2013 18:28:44
Look at one of the major stories in the bible. Abraham and Isaac. Then look at Moses and the Twelve Plagues of Egypt. And Herod's slaughter of the innocents. So there's religious precedent of infanticide in human history. What if the true explanation is somewhat different to what's written. And carrying on from those examples the elite have done it down the centuries.

7.) Wheres a link to this jill dando article about higher powers misbehaving




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04 Aug 2016 23:22:22
Her idol is Margeret Sanger.




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04 Aug 2016 09:12:49
A flat Earth is Gids smoking gun. Proof of intelligent design, and making it all but impossible to carry out the aliens are God plan I believe the are about to drop. If Earth is proven to be a plain, then u have to assume things like the firmament are true, I. e the near death experience people have of ascending through water. Now I'm not 100% of the belief, however the people that disseminate the info to the masses ad nauseum have been proven to be corrupt.

We have been conditioned to believe that the world is a globe, by the same people and same techniques we deride on this site. In essence, those who mindlessly bash the theory are perpetuating a paradoxical irony.




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04 Sep 2015 22:17:54
Estrogen in water, metro sexuality, feminine fashion and a pushing of the transgender. Said it before, weaken the men, you weaken the punch of the rebellion.


{Ed033's Note - Chemicals used in plastics feminise the brains of males.

There's also a rumour that The Pill women take to not get pregnant has a built in side effect that makes them prefer girly, effeminate males and or they are attracted to women.

In order to get total control, you don't want a load of strong men fighting you.



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13 Aug 2015 09:39:09
I hear you man. Question is, if the details about nephillim bloodlines are correct and the associated satanic origins what are we dealing with here? If it is indeed as I now believe, how can we cut the head from the snake with means of mortal men?


{Ed033's Note - Point 4 above was originally going to say zionists are 'genociding' Palestinians (who they are obviously wiping out) but my intention with point 4 was to show that we are dealing with their devastating political correctness, which is probably our biggest stumbling block in finding any kind of solution to the mess we're in. Point 4 is not politically correct so people (even if they think they're 'awake') go crazy over it.

We have no chance of cutting the head from the snake until we move past this political correctness brainwashing.

We are dealing with an anti-human group. They may look white and European but historically, genocide of all humans is the ultimate agenda.

So in my opinion, there are 2 'elite' groups. 1 group wants to reduce the population to 500 million human slaves (who spend their time as slaves on the coastlines) and have a small elite class who own everything and live on a pristine Earth where the interior of most countries has been returned to nature (This is Group 1's Agenda 21. The agenda for the 21st century).

The other group may appear to be human but do not think as humans (they maybe clones or possessed by 'Walk-ins' or Archons). This group wants to eradicate humans and turn the Earth into a radioactive wasteland with some type of artificial life forms being on Earth. (This is Group 2's Agenda 21. The agenda for the 21st century).

So both groups appear to be acting as 1 group at the moment in the lowering of the population, except if you're in Group 1, things like the use of depleted uranium weapons (which they said they would never use as it would turn the Earth into a radioactive wasteland), Fukushima, the gulf oil crisis, Fracking, the geo-engineering agenda that ruins the Earth, doesn't make much sense to you as this goes against Group 1's Agenda 21.

So, it's Group 2's Agenda 21 that's being implemented and everyone in Group 1 will be taken out with everyone else.

My article on What's in the pipeline for planet Earth



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13 Aug 2015 05:52:04
Point 4 is white nationalist propaganda mate I'd this one of "those sites" now?


{Ed001's Note - I agree mate, that is utter crap, a large portion of zionists are white and European, so that is just ridiculous. That final point is a load of utter bull. They do not want to wipe out anyone else, they believe that all other races were put on the earth to be their slaves according to their own texts, so why wipe out their slaves? Control is what they are after, not genocide.}




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