22 Jun 2015 01:21:45
Hi everyone,

Been a long time since posting. Does anyone have any first hand experience using cannabis oil for cancer treatment?

I've read a lot about it but just wondered if anyone here had any objective views?
Or subjective for that matter.

{Ed033's Note - The first problem is whether you have an oil that works because just because it's called 'cannabis oil', doesn't mean it works and there are plenty of testimonies saying the 'cannabis oil' they used didn't work for them. i personally don't know where to get an oil that works or how to use it for treatment. i have only seen the Rick Simpson documentary with testimonies from people saying that the Rick Simpson THC oil works.

Rick Simpson THC oil and testimonies documentary below.

22 Jun 2015 13:50:46
Thanks Ed033 I'll watch that later


{Ed033's Note - i have written a short article on the alleged alternative cancer treatments that have been put forward here:
