24 Jul 2017 00:14:58
May I ask what peoples opinions are about Aliens?

Let's put it simple. Do you believe in them? Because I certainly do. I find it ignorant of the human race to believe we're the only ones here.

I also believe there's so much evidence been hidden, maybe even aliens/ ufo's themselves been hidden by our/ United states and whoever elses governments.

They wouldn't dare release the information they have to the public because it'd destroy all religions overnight and cause chaos.

Thoughts please.

24 Jul 2017 05:10:16
why would it destroy religions? do you know of any religion that mentions human as the only 'being' in the universe?

being silent does not mean no other 'beings' exist.

I certainly feel it is possible that aliens exist, and that believe certainly does not in anyway affect my faith in my religion.

24 Jul 2017 23:17:10
If you mean conceptually, yes. If you mean Area 51 type stuff, no.

Look up Lloyd Pye Everything you know is wrong. I think you'll enjoy it.

Religion is for religious people. Aliens or no aliens.

25 Jul 2017 08:57:24
Each to their own opinions of course :)

Thank you Rian for the recommendation just had a quick glance and looks pretty interesting, will keep me busy tonight.

And yes I do agree, Area 51 type of stuff doesn't really do much for me. There's too much nonsense surrounding it.

Many people have religious beliefs, I personally don't but again each to their own. My opinion is, if it could be proved there's indeed aliens out there, it proves there's no god. Again just my thoughts, I know this can be a sore subject. I'm not calling anybody wrong.

I have read the full bible Kaizer over and over again, I studied it via the thompson's study bible and I was once a hardcore believer in it (Only 15 years ago believe it or not) whilst living in America.

You are indeed correct, there's not one book of god which states we are the only ones. But that's an easy way around it. The bible clearly states what god made, how he did it and when he did it over the 7 days. It is very specific what he did. It doesn't say anything about creating another being though does it, if he did why wouldn't that be in the bible? Everything he supposed to have created was put down so why not that bit?

It's one of them subjects, we could debate forever.

I would never try to ruin somebody's belief in religion, I've been there when I came back to the UK and I was looked at as, let's say different due to my beliefs, which wasn't right. So I do appreciate your views :)

Thanks for the replys.

25 Jul 2017 22:12:37
Yes Corleonea it would be arrogant if we were to think life exists only on this tiny little planet. But if we discover aliens tomorrow, it wouldn't prove or disprove the existence of god. And don't forget we'd also be the aliens to them. Glad you like the Lloyd Pye stuff.

26 Jul 2017 17:20:41
yeap, as much as i'm a believer, i think there are arguments on both sides, either could be true, but i guess we'll only really find out once our time in the world ends.

im a muslim actually, and i'm no expert on the quran myself. but i started as a non-believer myself, quite the opposite i guess?

but i accept healthy debates where people are willing to listen and comment with respect. its just there are too many people listening to reply when we talk about religion, i suppose especially when its about islam nowadays.

26 Jul 2017 20:02:31
Kaizer - I couldn't agree more. One thing I do respect is peoples beliefs whether you are a Muslim, a christian or whatever else, who is anybody to say you are wrong for doing so.

I understand what you mean, there's too many people quick to point the finger at all muslims because of what's gone / going on and it's wrong, what these uneducated people don't realise is it's not always muslims.


{Ed033's Note - But there is an agenda and the agenda is anti-human. That's what people haven't figured out yet. The non/anti human agenda is being implemented right before people's eyes and they can't see it.

28 Jul 2017 02:21:23
100 million stars in our galaxy alone.
Planets have been found around a very large majority of them.
Many are in what's considered the "habitable zone" of the solar system.

These numbers alone are mind blowing, now put this theory into the 100 TRILLION galaxies that are in just the observable universe.

We are 100% not alone.