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22 Sep 2014 18:25:39
Ok I'm not too clued up on Remote Viewing what I don't get is if these guys did not know it was 9/11 they were going to be remote viewing? How is that channeled into them so that's what they're looking at?


{Ed033's Note - You're not clued up on Remote Viewing at all. It's essential that the remote viewer has no prior knowledge of the target whatsoever, in order to get any useful, correct data. Otherwise if they know the target, their ego will get in the way and give out wrong data.

1.) Ok thanks Ed that clears it up, I've never looked into it saw it mentioned on here a few times. I found the video really interesting just didn't understand how they were doing it cheers.

Also Ed, when the English fella's target is who was behind the attacks. At the top of his board says US New York 9/11 attack so could that then mean his ego or imagination is getting in the way? I'm not trying to disprove this I think it's fascinating and I want this evidence to be on the money so much but It seems a bit scripted don't you think?

{Ed033's Note - Because 9/11 is such well known and specific, if you're remote viewing it, after a while, you may start thinking, that it could be 9/11. Once the remote viewer starts thinking the target could be 9/11, after that point, the data could be corrupted.

2.) RM8, I'm a bit behind the curve on remote viewing, and I have been watching a few videos trying to understand it better. This one helped. It's only 10 minutes long and well worth checking out.


3.) Thanks Ryan when I 1st watched the 9/11 clip I had no clue. After what Ed said I watched a few videos I found this one helpful.

4.) Thanks RM8.




09 Sep 2014 19:34:07
I'm obsessed at the moment with the troubles in the Middle East because I like to know what's going on in the world that I'm being lied to about by MSM but everytime I think I'm getting somewhere when researching it's two steps back it's so confusing. There's so many factions & different ideologies it's hard to differentiate who's on who's side at times & what there motives are & where the American & Zionist influences come in. If anyone has any good media outlets or videos that sheds truth in this subject would be appreciated. I read J from Lebanons article again which is fascinating and great for keywords to research can find some great stuff going on what he was talking about. He mentions Arsal in Lebanon being a hotbed for western funded & trained Al Qaeda branch Jabhat Al Nusra. J claimed these were the most dangerous Terrorists in the world now we are told that is ISIS by our media. Both Sunni Muslim Al Qaeda branches one from Syria one from Iraq yet there somehow not on the same side there may be obvious reasons I'm naive too as I'm not the sharpest tool in the box but I can't see why & both together would likely be an unstoppable force because both are clearly very well funded with great tech. It seems that The Lebanese Army is slowly taking this town Arsal J spoke of back & I'm thinking if true that it's home to huge underground weapons stocks & black technology then it can only be a matter of weeks before this really escalates to violence levels unknown because this would suggest the powers that be investment & atleast a small part of there agenda is under threat unless the black tech & weapons have been moved or they have this sort of stuff all over in Iraq etc. I'd love to hear from J again for an update & hope he is well. Sorry for my ramblings I hope it's interesting and some of the regulars or Eds would shed light on some of this stuff or if anyone can give me the Middle East breakdown for dummies that would probably help my cause lol. Any feed back is much appreciated.


1.) There was a post a few years ago that was from a man who was from the middle east and I think edd posted it on a different page and confirmed his isp was from that region, do you remember the post edd and have you still got it?

{Ed033's Note - Yes, i remember it. I'll try and find it and post it up.

2.) Cheers.



15 Aug 2014 00:03:40
Heard many of you before say a few Spanish especially Barcelona players allegedly use PEDs. Has anyone seen the size of Gareth Bale one year after joining Real Madrid fair enough he's a very fit man he could do that in a year but the muscles in his arms & legs are crazy. One look and you either think he's the perfect athlete or he's took something to get that way.


1.) No expert on this subject at all but bale does look juiced up.

2.) He's been getting progressively more muscular over the last few years. And he is training with CR7 who is a gymrat. I don't think he's juicing.


3.) Good point Ryan I was thinking that myself, he was a big lad naturally wouldn't be hard for him to gain bulk unlike the small players of Barca like Messi, Iniesta, Pedro etc.

4.) The subject of juicing is probably not covered enough in the media. I think it goes on in all sports and seems to be endemic in US sports. Anywhere there is huge money involved PEDs won't be far away.

I've heard EPO can be flushed out in 3-4 days and is very difficult to detect. So you can see why people are tempted to try it.


5.) In the UK they test blood and urine and in Spain, Italy etc they test only urine. Correct me if I'm wrong but I think creatine is legal for footballers in Spain etc but not in UK. I think some of the Messi hgh stuff and the fuentes client list will come out at some point in the future. I've heard nothing on the outcome of the 300 or so blood bags of sportsmen and women that were strangely ordered to be destroyed by a Spanish judge. Anyone know? We're they destroyed?




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11 Jan 2016 13:07:20
I Hope Js safe and well. I don't have time to read the post, I had more Luck looking for the ares He was mentioning in his posts, on sites like Live Leak than I did researching Al Nusra Front. I don't know if the towns are in that post I'm at work don't have time to read again.




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10 Jan 2016 14:54:45
Ok Finished it last night. I've watched it with an open mind because obviously the Documentary is pointing one way.
Things I know didn't happen. She was not raped in Steve's bedroom. her hair was not cut off, she was not stabbed in Steve's bedroom. nor did she have her throat slit in the bedroom.

If she was shot in the head in that garage with all that clutter there would have to be Blood somewhere. it was also proven the floors were not scrubbed as Steven's DNA was found. It's obvious that a kid with the mental capabilities of Brendan Dassie can be manipulated by someone who knows how to say pretty much anything.

I can't for the life of me see how Dassie is still in jail or at least had a fair trial. I'm about 95% certain they didn't do it. I don't think the cops killed her, but Andrew Colburn was looking at her car when he called in those plates 2 days before it was found, I'm sure of that.

Bobby Dassey should've been a suspect. Scott Tadych I think it is, should've been a suspect. The irregularities in the way the whole thing was handled from the searches, to the media, interrogations, scientific testing, Brendan's Defense. there's so much that leads to a massive conspiracy, it's fascinating. They both deserve a fair trial in the Supreme Court.

Last thing, why wouldn't Steven just have crushed her truck? he could use the machine he owned one.




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08 Jan 2016 13:11:31
If you want to look up Kanye West I suggest looking up a video called George Bush hates Black people!




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08 Jan 2016 13:09:37
Absolutely Jedi agree on Bobby ther brother and the Boyfriend. Bobby and the Other guy who saw him going Hunting both looked pretty suspect. Andrew Colburn calling in that License plate days before the car was found he was looking at that vehicle as he called it in.




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Haha belter Ed wonder if J is still reading & could give us his indepth updates on the Middle East, Isis, Al Nusra etc.





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