12 Jan 2014 08:44:58
Something for anyone that is paying bed room tax! If you have lived in the same house for more than 17 years and always claimed benefits there's a law in place that makes you exempt from bedroom tax! People are getting full refunds on what they have paid if they can prove the above! My friend is one of them! There's talks of them removing this loop hole so if you fall in the above book to see your local C.A.B. ASAP! My friends due to receive over £800 in back payments! Just thought I'd share the love! :)

Good to know mate, does not effect me with having kids but another ploy to make it harder for the poorest is the cut backs on the c. a. b, they have helped me in the past and they will not have the funding to continue meaning to get any type of advice you would have to pay knowing fair well that the poorest will have the funds to see if they are eligible for any type of benefit, speaking from experience my mum had to give up her job because her arthritis, she had to claim benefits, she was getting a pittance and not once did the social security say listen you might be entitled to A B or C, they left her to struggle on it was only for a relative and me and my sister to persuade her that she might be entitled for a disability benefit that she seen the c. a. b, he reassured her that its her right to claim the extra supplement , soon that will be gone and it makes me angry.

17 years claiming benefits, wow, speachless


Some people need to claim benefits even if they work due to low incomes, not saying that you don't have cases of someone is sat on their backside for that long however problem is when other benefit claimants get tarred with the same brush, I am fortunate and have never had to claim any benefits however for those who need help and work hard then I don't have a problem with it, the bedroom tax is a decent idea just implemented wrong, if it was for new claimants only and they lived in an area where housing available with the correct number of rooms then yes they should pay, but I do not favour forcing people out of a home they have lived in for years or having to pay because there are no suitable properties.


12 Jan 2014 13:00:26
Unless your disabled or retired there is no need for anyone to be on long term benefits. Street where I live is filled with slappers who left school at 14 to have a kid and 20-30 years later have never been to work. And some people wonder why some of us have had enough of spongers. Sick of seeing some people get everything for nothing whilst those of us that work have to struggle to make ends meet. Proper socialism doesn't mean dumping millions on benefits and leaving them there. The truth of the matter is the welfare state is crippling the country and it needs reigning in before it pushes us under. I have no problem with people in genuine need of help, but no one should spend a lifetime on benefits. If you can work you should work.

Bedroom tax is a scam, not enough 2 bedroom homes all over the uk making people move into flats then they will sell council homes to the private sector, as for danny and the unnamed poster one word "sheep"

Why am I a sheep, Franky? I know full well that there are people who are unable to work through no fault of their own, and it is right that they are looked after by the state. Everything has to be paid for somehow, and a tax by any over name is still a tax- a necessary evil. Why is someone seen as a sheep or less intelligent than the regular posters on here just because you have a different view point on some subjects? The whole point of debate is to have two sides, and not resort to name calling or abuse.

Were do you get your information from that cutting money from the benefit system is only going to get the scroungers?

Well in Franky mate get these clowns told. Sick of reading people's comments who are obv a lot older than me, yet are so bloody stupid!

The illuminati is real. The reason u scrimp and scrape even though u have a job is because of them! So stop slating dole punters because a know loads who want a job just can't get one. and they have to put up wae tits like the un-named poster because he's angry that he's got a s*** job with s*** pay.

Get it up yi ya bawbag. It's clowns like u that stop the country moving forward. Stop getting opinions fae the f***in newspapers!

Ever hear the quote from a philosopher in the 1900's? He said:

The 21st century Pharoes will have the slaves begging for work.

Ur just too stupid to see it 😔

12 Jan 2014 17:13:12
Actually I don't read newspapers. I outlined my view perfectly well. I fail to see why some people sit on the dole for 20 years when their are jobs out there. The Poles don't have any trouble finding jobs. As myself and Danny said we have no issue in helping people who genuinely need help. But too many take the piss and are out for what they can get. But saying it makes me a sheep? If you have to resort to personal attacks and arguments you know you have lost the argument.

To put this clearly they are targeting everyone on benefits, the scrounges as you put it are a tiny fraction research has been done by various studies and at the most it is about 3% of people claiming welfare are abusing it, the rest get tarred with the same brush, people all over the UK with disabilities are being forced to look for Work, around three thousand people have already committed suicide, oh by the way the agency that are checking if people claiming benefits like the sick are done why a agency hired by the government called atos funny enough headed by a feller called Rothschild, I am sorry you take offense to the sheep jibe, but I get the impression you see all these tv shows showing how they abuse the system you might even know people but what the reality is the main culprits are the suits in corporations and the richest who continuously get away with it, have you ever seen a show about bankers living the high life as they repossess holmes? Ever seen a fly in the wall about major corporations coining excess profits as they up the prices of there brand?no you won't because what you see on tv and the news is propaganda plain and simple!

Unnamed poster your having a go at franky for calling you a sheep yet you call young women with kids slappers! Double standards mate! Yes some people cheat the system but as franky put it the numbers for them are small there just magnified by propaganda! Atos are out and out killers! Forcing people who can't work back into work! The post was here to let people know they have the rights to appeal against a tax that is making honest people homeless making them committ suicide! I've worked all my life and all this I work so I'm paying for the people to sit round and do nothing is absolute rubbish! The fact I pay tax which goes to the government which a small percentage goes to welfare only for them to claw most of that back through stupid taxes! I'm completely with franky and jonty on this one!

12 Jan 2014 19:19:51
RR read what I said, I clearly said in my street, I was speaking about specific cases I personally know of. Franky if your talking about recent shows on bbc1 or channel4 I have to say its rare I watch tv, I prefer old movies.

12 Jan 2014 19:28:13
All I am saying is how is it right that some people can spend most of their life in benefits when they are physically and mentally capable of going to work. I know of 3 examples in my street alone and another dozen on the estate who have never done a days work in their lives. How is that right? As I keep saying I have no issue with genuine people but I dispute this 3% figure of Frankyscouser. Look at how many people were on benefits in 1997 and compare it to 2010. Discounting the increased number if penshioners due to the baby boom its still a huge rise. Why?

Un-named poster you are still labelling women in your street as slappers which in my eyes is a personal attack not on me or franky but on someone else who can't defend them selves. As you put it once you start personal attacks you've lost the argument! Also who are we to decide if some one is physically or mentally able to work? My friend is physically well but due to being in the army suffers with severe anxiety and agropobia! to me and you he is just a normal everyday guy but to his doctors and close friends who know the real truth he has issues that stop him from working! How do you decide a person is fit for work? The fact they can walk, talk do everyday jobs around the house does not make someone fit to work!

First of all mate can you put your name or anything at the end of your posts?

You dispute the three % figure that has been quoted not by any political party but by numerous independent organizations, yes we know you get people abuse the system but come on, why are you not angry at the real thieves and abusers of the system? This is a watershed moment if this is allowed to happen, and like you mention the "recent shows on BBC and channel 4" yes the mainstream media is pushing this to propagate a myth, what you don't read about is the three thousand suicides that have happened what do you call that casualties of war?

To be fair the guy got called a sheep & a Bawbag before he attacked anyone.

12 Jan 2014 23:32:03
RR so what would you call someone with 4 kids by 4 different men by the time their 25? I stand by what I said. I feel for your friend but that's a different case, he has had professional medical help, such people should be supported. I have not said once that people with genuine issues should not be supported. I just question how people are allowed to sit on benefits their whole lives and their children follow suit. Or people who claim to have disability but get caught out.

Frankyscouser. Is there any such thing as an independent organisation? They all have their agendas and statistics can be fiddled any such way to prove any point. I have seen nothing on the unreported 3000 suicides because as you say it has not been reported, and I do not watch the daily propaganda reports anyway. If so many have occurred then that is tragic, but is suicide ever truly the answer.

I probably won't return, but as you seem so in need for labels I shall sign off for you.

Kim Philby

O and I had to look up bawbag, such curious expression. And I got called dumb.

What would you call someone with 4 kids by 4 different men by the time their 25?

My best guess would be a woman.


13 Jan 2014 00:02:25
Frankyscouser so sorry I forgot your other question, alas old age is catching up with me. Why am I not angry with the fraudsters who run things? O but I am angry, I'd like nothing more than to see the whole thieving, lying, murderous lot put up against the nearest wall and shot. But it'll never happen because the English have mo stomach for revolution. Bankers, lawyers, politicians, all got things so screwed so that they only ever win. Of course I am angry. But nothing ever changes. I did think that maybe we were finally seeing the death throes of capitalism but it looks as if once again it pulls off the great escape. So long as people have their little comforts, cheap drink, the x factor, the corrupt soccer, they are happy. The elite know this. There is a lot to get angry about in this country it is hard to know where to begin. Certainly the act of dehumanising people by reducing them to subsistence on state subsidies should be one of them no? Where is the satisfaction of a good days labour to provide for yourself and family. You call that living slumped infront of the person box, drinking and smoking all day. The great man once wrote each according to their needs, what would he say today. This isn't socialism. We should all be uniting to get rid of the oppressors, this cannot happen whilst large parts of the people are enslaved to benefits. Benefits was just another trick to divide the proletariat and turn us on each other, and it has worked splendidly. This prevents us from rising to overthrow the shackles. Now the oppressors have realised they have gone too far with it and over committed too much money to keeping the people subservient. The crisis they created has shown them that the books do not balance, now they are trying to cut it back, and once again they have divided us. This debate has shown us this. I have no argument with you my brother, and I apologise if I may have caused any offence. You will forgive the ramblings of an old revolutionary?

Kim Philby

Me to Kim and I apologize about calling you a sheep, it's a bit like reading a text you might read it one way when it means another! No hard feelings mate and keep posting!

Interesting pseudo name you have Kim, double agent? Ha

Divide and conquer tactics keep us from overcoming the establishment.

People nowadays have forgone all pride, slaving their lives away for what can only be described as scraping by.
Our fault is considering that as living. Scraping by is surviving, whereas living is prospering.

Granted, some cannot easily quit their jobs because of family obligations.
However, blaming people on benefits for the grievance that slaving creates, shows a lack of understanding as to how the establishment functions.

We have produced and created so much since the beginning of this latest civilization. Where has it all gone? Who is benefiting from all that?
There is so much wealth produced every single day, but it never trickles down from those that manage it to those that produce it.
There is enough food produced to feed the world twice over, yet more than 80% of the people of this planet are living in relative poverty.

The billions that people receive in benefits all over the world (accounting for "aid" that never makes it to the people), is nothing compared to all that missing wealth no one is forced to account for.

I previously posted on the issue of unemployment and its still on the politics page, so I am not going to repeat all that.
We are though at a point where the concepts of benefits and unemployment are being employed against us, to prevent us from realizing what is really going on and to create tension amongst us.
The establishment wants us at each others throats as that takes the spotlight off them.

Imagine a world, where all are unemployed and automated machines handled all the labor.
Where all benefited from the resources of this planet and from the creations of generations passed.
A world in which people did not obsess over fruitive action but explored what they loved and shared any fruits from that work freely with everyone.

13 Jan 2014 13:03:49
A close guess my friend.

Kim Philby

Kim, if u were the un-named poster I called a bawbag I apologise lol. After reading what u wrote your obv intelligent. I just hate seeing dole punters get it tight when 2 of my mates killed themselves down to the simple fact of having no hope.

To whoever wrote that the welfare system is what's bringing this country to its knees, NO! It's the interest the banks charge our country on top of the debt were already due out. I don't know the exact figure but it's obviously billions.

And a small point: Enough of the ridiculous patter. Just because people don't type properly doesn't mean they can't if they have to. They might just choose not to.

I know my language was harsh but it's so annoying living with all these asleep clowns. It would be so easy to have a revolution and make our United Kingdom great again. Unfortunately it would take a violent rebellion as the powers that be obviously laugh their heads off when they see people out with posters and planks of wood lol.

We'll be living in a world government with a population of 1billion by 2050 the way were heading. Some of you may be too old for that too truly effect, but think about your descendants! The guys will be slave labourers, and the girls will be sex slaves. Time to get some balaclavas and weapons my friend.

Good post mate!