13 Jan 2014 11:10:15
Reading the thread further down the page between RR, frankyscouser and you ed001, was very interesting regarding has Alien contact been made. Personally I believe so, but that's simply my own opinion.

For anyone who is wanting to see the video of the former Canadian defence minister disclosing the existence of aliens I'll put the link in below.

Again it is very difficult to know whether this man is being genuine or simply spreading disinformation. Interested to know what you guys think.



I have the same feeling as you kiwired the 360 uturn he does seems pretty strange!

I've always been sceptical myself, until recent times, that is. Haven't done any research into Roswell etc. but after watching the John Lear interview Ed033 provided as well as the bloke from The Sixteen, I've certainly become a believer that contact of some sort has been made.

Knowing you, also KR, leads me to believe they live among us. i'm fairly confident Ed002/001 are both far from human also ;-)

In all seriousness though, how could it come as a surprise to anyone. The amount of lies we're told, and the vast amounts of historical bs taught in schools, in my eyes points to a huge coverup and brainwashing exercise to make the masses believe, from a young age, that aliens are almost like fairys and leprecauns.

Melbourne CFC

It's just so difficult to know who is telling the truth and who is simply spreading disinformation to throw you more off the scent than before, franky.

What makes it even harder is that generally the people who bullsh*t sprinkle in some truth to make it more believable.

This guy could be spot on, but personally I'm a little sceptical.


So much disinformation out there I think there is about 75% bs the rest can not be explained, I am a firm believer that they have always been here.

It's a tough subject to comprehend! One hand you have all these high ranking officials making statements it's true! On the other hand you know the government throws out disinformation to put you off! Me personally I think there has definitely been contact! I totally believe reverse engineering has occurred on E. T spacecraft! We discussed the other day what is believed they took from the crash at Roswell! Although Tesla was way ahead of his age in technological advances! I don't think he was at the point where he was designing Kevlar, fibre optics and the so called special repulsion system that was reverse engineered!


{Ed001's Note - fibre optics were mooted long before 1947. Kevlar? Seriously? You are really going to claim that was reverse engineered even though there was a clear development of it? There are thousands of different materials developed every year, what on earth gives anyone the idea that Kevlar has to be reverse engineered? As for 'special repulsion system' what on earth is that?}

Ed she drinks at the Red Lion Thursdays and the Black Horse on Fridays.

Just things I've read and seen documentaries on Ed! There's a book called the day after Roswell that highlights these things in particular! It also tells how we moved on leaps and bounds! Like you said previously maybe all this was disinformation to scare the enemy I don't know! I guess I want it to be true!


{Ed001's Note - I think that is the problem, people believe those kind of things because they want to. We have moved on, but it is more like a stone rolling downhill gathering pace. There have been no giant leaps out of nowhere, just faster and faster development. It would be nice if it was true, but the theory doesn't fit the reality. Unless we are very poor at reverse engineering!}

I thought you were going to say I was the missing link there for a minute Melbourne.

Also, now you don't live in Melbourne are you going to change your name? You could be KiwiBlue? ;-)


You are edd right there is not one thing that stands out that points it could have been influenced by alien technology but there is documented evidence that over the years trillions and trillions of dollars have gone missing that paper trail alone suggests that all is not black or white, some of the sightings that have been seen 'r. man made buy were did they get the blue prints from and would they admit they have stumbled on this technologie? I think we all know the answer to that.


{Ed001's Note - were did they get the blueprints from? Probably the many thousands of inventions that are bought up and vanish every year. I am not referring to the plague of so called patent trolls, that buy up patents just so they can sue any company that attempts to innovate with any similarity to the patents they have locked away in vaults. There are many inventions that just disappear, often amid claims they were a fake, but the inventor never argues their case and always seem to have the money to never have to bother in the future.}

Edd I will get back to this subject once I am out the doghouse, can't use my phone very well to write posts, effing nightmare!