14 Jan 2014 00:14:24
Been reading today about the national service bill that is currently being ushered through parliament (on the quiet ). Basically it makes all 18 - 26 year olds will have to do a years service as either cannon fodder or will have to work a menial job for less than minimum wage! Looks like another way for the business men to make more profit without the social responsibilty.
Also looked into the bedroom tax loophole that frankie was talking about lower down the page. Apparently 40 thousand people were paying that shouldn't have been, unfortunately one of those people had committed suicide before it came to light. Those responsible ( ian duncan smith et al ) should be held accountable and should be made to pay for what they have done. Don't want to be british anymore!

People in that age bracket better start challenging the governments authority over them.
How to guarantee the decline of future society. The recipe:
Use mandatory conscription, force the few conscientious objectors to do meaningless jobs, brainwash the rest and ship them abroad to fight for the furthering of the establishment's goals. Torture the survivors with no health care, no benefits, no prospects.

Yeah your right mate. The whole point in it is for cheap labour.

14 Jan 2014 13:05:52
I remember my own national service. Sergeants are such horrors. But I have good time, I learn to drive tank and to fix engines :) and ladies always like a uniform ;)

Of course is cheap labour but you had national service once, some have always wanted to bring it back. Some people think you need to solve unemployment of youth and not pay them to do nothing. Others think you import too much foreign labour. Others worry about your youth in criminal gangs. This seems to solve lot of problems.

But time has moved on, old ways no longer work. Does not seem democratic to make youth do things youth do not wish to do. Maybe England become more totalitarian?

Kim Philby

Your right Kim Philly, totalitarianism is exactly where this country is heading.

I agree to Kim excellent post!