21 Jan 2014 19:49:53
Hi all, first time poster on this site.

I have this feeling (which I've had for years) that the people are growing increasingly tired of the lies being fed to them by the government and that action will soon be taken in an attempt to reclaim power from the suits in parliament.

My question to you lot is, does anyone else have this feeling? and, if so, how do you think is the best way to regain control and ensure that this corrupt way of governing does not happen again in the future?


A lot of my friends who think I am a bit nuts when it comes to this feel this way (as do I) when you keep being pushed and pushed and laughed at its a matter of not if but when we push back.

Unfortunately I see a lot of people still not 'awake' and in many cases do not even want to be awoken. Some people have a hard time making the link between the conditions we find ourselves living in, and the people who have caused the situation. Whilst this remains the case i'm afraid I don't hold out too much hope, which is sad.

On a brighter note, there certainly seems to be an increase in the number of people searching for truth, which can only be a good thing in the long run. I just don't see major, beneficial changes coming any time soon.


Welcome jamparia.
People all over the world are demanding justice, are a lot more inquisitive and are beginning to exhibit defiance towards authority figures. All are signs of progress, let's hope it escalates.

Personally, I do not think any official government is in control. They are manipulated figure heads, obeying commands in hope of their promised piece of the pie (breadcrumbs in reality). Ed033 wrote a detailed post on this subject further down the page that is well worth a read.

In regards to regaining control, the short term action I would advocate would be disobedience. The ones attempting to control we the people are so few in numbers compared to us, that disobedience would collapse the necessary organization required for control.
A combination of disobedience on an individual level (public voicing of concern, informing the government that we withhold all our rights in writing etc. ) and on a collective level (towns not paying their electric bills, stopping property foreclosures etc. ) would be the most effective.
Disobedience and imagination are a great mixture so there are no limits to the forms it could take.

The long term action I would advocate (Harold reminded me of this the other day) would be education.
There is an urgent need to alter our ideas about what constitutes education and what constitutes conditioning. In its current format "education" is best described as irrelevant, unconnected and unsubstantiated information absorption. Education is learning how to think for oneself, improve ones analytical process and challenge everything established.
It is also time for self education to be recognized as on par with formal education, as some of the greatest contributions to humanity came from self educated people.

Corruption in my mind has two prerequisites to its existence: Inequality and centralization of power.
Democracy in its true form (how it was practiced in ancient Greece) guarantees decentralization of power. That is why there are no democratic countries in the world. Voting once every four years without the power to repeal is more accurately described as bemusing oligarchy.
As for inequality, I have made this particular case more than once on this site. We have the technology to ensure that every single person lives in abundance and human societies exist in balance with nature.


{Ed033's Note - Does the government recognise Magna Carta?

If so,
Under article 61 of Magna Carta 1215, we have a right to enter into "Lawful Rebellion", if we determine that we are being governed unjustly.

If not,
We have a fundamental, inherent, unalienable, natural right of self defence, to defend ourselves from their attack on us.

Hey Ed033, thank you. Already filed in my legal defense notepad for future use. From what I gather one could make the claim that article 61 of the Magna Carta 1215 is non-revocable.
It reads:
"And we shall procure nothing from any one, either personally or indirectly, whereby any part of these concessions and liberties might be revoked or diminished; and if any such thing has been procured, let it be void and null, and we shall never make use of it ourselves or through someone else. "
For anyone interested this would also apply to the commonwealth.


{Ed033's Note - definitely, you can make that claim