01 Jul 2014 11:00:49
Do you think ET Disclosure will take place anytime within the next 20 years?

Didn't you ask that question last week Eds?


{Ed033's Note - sorry, this question is worded slightly differently from the previous question, that's why it possibly wasn't picked up as a repeat question. As you can imagine, inputting a new question for each day will lead to repeat questions now and again.

My own personal opinion is it will never be revealed. Even if an indisputable incident covered by the all the media happened they still would never admit to the past cover ups. Just like they would never admit to the secret space program which I am convinced is genuine. All them billions possibly trillions of $s wasted on the apollo, space shuttle missions, robots sent to mars, nonsense into deep space etc all for the sake of a smoke screen and to say" hey, look what we are doing in the name of science and space exploration".

Good answer Ed033! I'm afraid my slow little brain noticed the different wording but still read the same question.

My answer to both is that I do think it's quite possible. The real question is whether or not it will be faked. Probably imo.

By the way do you have any good vids for us today Ed033? I'm stuck at work and need something to distract me from the blue skies outside. Thanks.



{Ed033's Note - hi Ryan, it's possible you may not have watched all of the videos on:
1. http://talkconspiracy.co.uk/conspiracy-videos.php
2. http://talkconspiracy.co.uk/conspiracy-videos2.php
3. http://talkconspiracy.co.uk/conspiracy-videos3.php

admittedly some of the videos have been removed from youtube

If you have, how about Iraq For sale video documentary by Robert Greenwald

Thanks Ed033 I'll watch that. Will trawl the archives too, but have watched most of them :)



{Ed033's Note - ok great

Yes we will get disclosure in 20 years, not full disclosure, they will keep stuff hidden for there own benefits and it will only be the negatives not positives of contact.

I've just finished watching Iraq For Sale. Pretty grim viewing. I remember reading somewhere that 40% of the American economy is based directly or indirectly on the military. It wouldn't surprise me if that figure was correct, and most probably continuing to grow.
