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VincentV's rumours posts with other poster's replies to VincentV's rumours posts


01 Apr 2015 10:42:20
Went to see Richard D Hall last night in Liverpool, top speaker and top guy. If anyone can get to see him any time, do it. Good night all for £12.


1.) 03 Apr 2015 12:09:46
gutted I never knew he was on.

{Ed033's Note - Richard D. Hall is on a presentation tour around the country.

2.) 07 Apr 2015 15:17:52
I wish he'd come to Dublin. I'd personally collect him from the airport if he ever does.




12 Jan 2014 23:38:26
Another thing about Roswell that has always mystified me. If there was a alien crash then why would Colonel Blanchard issue the press release of a recovered disc in the first place only to retract it soon after? With the cold war in its early days the need to keep anything secret is obvious but why this admittance about a saucer retrieval at all? It might make a bit of sense there wasnt a saucer retrieval and they wanted to try and make out that they were now in the possession of uber technology. Now I must admit I am on the side of the crash but I just cannot understand if this was so why a Colonel would order the press release of this statement, any thoughts?


1.) 13 Jan 2014 00:24:20
Disc yes, alien no. Captured Nazi technology. The Colonel was an person and had to retract it. CIA did not want Moscow to know they had Nazi discs. Moscow already knew. Moscow had their own Nazi discs. Moscow knew most CIA secrets. Why do you think they were the first people to get into the Soviet state archives when they were opened by their puppet Yeltsin? Why do you think certain files disappeared? Kim Philby

2.) Thanks for reply anon, appreciated. Sorry can't have that either. The Colonel was a person! He is also supposed to be a experienced professional high ranking official knowing when and when not to make any ground shaking press releases. The disc was Nazi? Well yes the nazi's had discs but what about the testimony of numerous witnesses (a lot of high ranking witnesses) about the material, little bodies with reptile like skin etc. Also if the nazi disc theory is true then why is this still supressed and why hasn't this "true account" been released as the real reason after all these years and not some lame balloon theory they still stand by?

3.) Hey VincentV,
DNA was discovered in the 1870s so would it be preposterous to assume that genetic experiments had produced results by the 1940s?
Also, the military still uses the national security excuse to withhold information from the public. Why would you expect them to have a change of heart and share their toys with the public?
After reading Tesla's and Schauberger's research I am convinced that we had anti-gravitic technology by the 1930s.

4.) 13 Jan 2014 18:21:03
Zari this is correct, both sides conducted research into anti gravity technology. I suspect it still goes on, certainly America still does.

The American colonel was unwise to be so open with journalists. A soviet officer would not have made a mistake which would then have needed such a big cover up.

Given the timing and location it is a far more logical assumption that it was captured wartime technology.

The alien cover story took root in public consciousness and proved a good distraction away from the reality.

Kim Philby

5.) Kim, what if the colonel's statement was part of the cover up? Americans do seem to opt for logic stretching disinformation.
In claiming that it was extraterrestrial, plus what they have added since then, they indoctrinated people in believing that such advancement could not be achieved by man.
The result, 70 years later and one cannot hold a serious discussion on unity field energy devices and anti-gravitic (higher dimensional) technology.

6.) 13 Jan 2014 22:02:05
That is plausible, a double blind? A deliberate mistake to spread a lie, quite cunning.

Kim Philby



12 Sep 2013 22:34:59
Can anyone please put up some good Lord Lucan links, always found this one to be fascinating, personally I think for what its worth the Africa thing is the most plausible but who knows what transpires inside the establishment.


1.) Personally I think royalty connections had a hand in his escape one way or another because nearly 40 years later there is no new lead, it seems he vanished from the face of the earth, friends in high places?




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Zari, agreed, there is no harm in asking questions. You seem like a quite intelligent chap and I say this. I follow all things conspiracy/black and that includes a lot of things that are obviously nonsense but albeit a good read or watch but when a certain event happens and people jump on it and start spouting questions about cover ups and conspiracies before anyone comes up with any notion worth while something else happens and were away again with something else.

This is why the greater "unknowing/oblivious population never takes us and certain events seriously. I am not knocking asking questions or being negative all I am stating is that most of the time things just happen.




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In response to Q of Williams death suspicious, well no. Not every death or disaster is a conspiracy. This sort of thing is what really irritates me, every time there is a death or disaster/event there is someone ready to question the event. Yes there are suspicious and dubious happenings but some people never when to stop and accept that most of the time s*** happens!!




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My own personal opinion is it will never be revealed. Even if an indisputable incident covered by the all the media happened they still would never admit to the past cover ups. Just like they would never admit to the secret space program which I am convinced is genuine. All them billions possibly trillions of $s wasted on the apollo, space shuttle missions, robots sent to mars, nonsense into deep space etc all for the sake of a smoke screen and to say" hey, look what we are doing in the name of science and space exploration".




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Thanks for reply anon, appreciated. Sorry can't have that either. The Colonel was a person! He is also supposed to be a experienced professional high ranking official knowing when and when not to make any ground shaking press releases. The disc was Nazi? Well yes the nazi's had discs but what about the testimony of numerous witnesses (a lot of high ranking witnesses) about the material, little bodies with reptile like skin etc. Also if the nazi disc theory is true then why is this still supressed and why hasn't this "true account" been released as the real reason after all these years and not some lame balloon theory they still stand by?




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Agreed Ed001. I have never been convinced by the stories from Philip Corso and the like that such technologies like fibre optics, circuit chips, kevlar, night vision etc have come from alien technology. Aliens that may be thousands or millions of years advanced from light years away/other dimensions would still be using this technology! Nope can't have it. While I am an avid believer in aliens and visitations/government knowledge I firmly believe that in some circumstances and technological advances we do a lot of brilliant human minds a big disservice. Just my opinion.





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