11 Jan 2014 15:55:19
I've been watching and reading a lot of stuff on Roswell! Would love to go there and visit and see the places for myself! What are peoples thoughts on roswell? Me I'm a firm believer something happened that changed the course of history not only in terms of the way government deal with things but also the technological advances we have made in home electronics but also in weaponry! What I give to have been in Roswell in 1947 to see it for myself!

{Ed001's Note - the only problem with that theory is that the Nazis had most of those technological advancements under development, either prior to or during the Second World War. They had working flying wings, for instance, which the US was unable to figure out during the 1950s, despite access to bits and pieces of the work that had been undertaken at the behest of the Nazis. I have often wondered if the truth is more prosaic, that it was just a testbed for captured tech and one piece crashed?}

I agree to an extent! The nazi's were far more advanced than they led us to believe! There are so many witnesses that say they saw alien bodies some off these witnesses holding high ranking positions! I'd still loved to have been there to see it all for myself! Think I'm going to have to learn to remote view! :)


{Ed001's Note - I wonder if they were wearing decompression suits? They might have looked like aliens to people who had never seen those before?}

Not sure ed! As a lot of people stated they were small like children size! The Roswell mortician stated he got a phone call from the air force base asking 4 sealable caskets for children! Other statements say they had 4 bodies covered lying on the ground in front of a covered oval object in hangar 84! There's about 6 statements that all state the same in hangar 84! Could the government have been testing these crafts on children?

I have to agree with RR to me roswell was and still is something they can not make go away, some of the excuses are laughable, even thou the nazi scientist made great strides in technology since 1947 we have made a quantum leap that can not be explained.


{Ed001's Note - actually we haven't. All we have really done is miniaturised our tech. Little is actually new, it is just improved, in the main. I mean what great strides have we really made since 1947?}

One thing they claim come from Roswell was fibre optics ed! In one of the documents someone obtain it described fibre optics to a T!


{Ed001's Note - fibre optics? Not convinced sorry, that doesn't seem to me to be any big leap that couldn't be made without alien tech. It seems no more than a logical step from some of the theories flying around during the Tesla era. I might be wrong, but I seem to remember reading about something very similar being proposed by either him or one of his contemporaries.}

Well let's take something that we all use everyday the phone, cables everywhere now with satellites communication as one example has boomed, over a hundred years ago it was carrier pigeons and horseback!

not forgetting the stuff we are not allowed to see (black projects)as a race I do not think we have the knowledge to have gained so far and fast in a relatively small amount of time, if you look back in history any advance has took hundreds of years for any improvement for another example the wheel.


{Ed001's Note - yes but all those things were in development mate, none of them were a new discovery back engineered from aliens. We already knew the theory and were busy developing the practice, starting with telegraphs. In fact, phones were already around by 1947, as were cables, so how can that be Roswell? Like I said, none of it was new technology, it is only developments of existing ones.

Oh and in history, each civilization was distinct and shielded from each other's ideas. They were unable to share and work together in the way we can now, which is why tech advances so quickly. Plus there was little need to develop most of the things we had until recent times. Why would a farmer need to phone the other side of the world in the 18th century when they knew no one there?}

Agreed Ed001. I have never been convinced by the stories from Philip Corso and the like that such technologies like fibre optics, circuit chips, kevlar, night vision etc have come from alien technology. Aliens that may be thousands or millions of years advanced from light years away/other dimensions would still be using this technology! Nope can't have it. While I am an avid believer in aliens and visitations/government knowledge I firmly believe that in some circumstances and technological advances we do a lot of brilliant human minds a big disservice. Just my opinion.

Valid points edd I just think it is no coincidence that these alleged sightings and events that we would not use it, we all have the mental image of a little grey alien, in the 1980s I think we cloned a sheep and probleary doing the same to humans now. I do not think we could have got that far without steering in the right direction and to be honest mate I think we have seen a tiny fraction of reversed engineering made public, all the good stuff is kept.


{Ed001's Note - I disagree completely, I think you are underestimating humanity, which has clearly reached this level of technology in the far distant past, imo.}

Well mate we agree to disagree, if like you're suggesting that there has been no alien contact then that's fine we beg to differ.


{Ed001's Note - I never said that, what I said is that there is nothing to suggest that our level of technology is due to alien contact. It is clearly a lack of understanding of history and science that leads to that belief. Talk of how technological innovation has sped up so much it must be due to aliens is simply idiotic, sorry. Fibre optics etc are not new ideas created from nowhere, which are the kind of things which would support alien ideas. They are all ideas that have been theorised long in advance and put into usage after development periods. I have even heard lazers being put down to aliens, despite the use of light being focused and used in that way, though not quite to this level, being around as far back (that we know of) as Leonardo da Vinci's time. It is ignorance that leads people to beliefs that are, quite frankly ridiculous and do nothing to help the cause of finding the truth being hidden by conspiracies.}

Answer me this do you think aliean contact has been made?


{Ed001's Note - no idea. It is ludicrous to rule out their existence, but not sure if there has been any contact between any of them and us.}

Soz man I am in a bad mood certain posts winding me up and the footy topping it off!


{Ed001's Note - footie? Good win for Liverpool mate, I would think you would be happy, I know I am.}

Now I am mate haha had to swerve the second half though I slammed my daughters laptop when Adam scored and the Mrs flipped and made my daughter take it upstairs, now I am in the doghouse but happy as Larry.


{Ed001's Note - you need to get your own lappy mate, you missed one hell of a second half.}

Ed what do you make of the likes of Paul Hellyer who held a high ranking role coming out and saying aliens are here and have been for years? Do you think this could be dis-information or some just trying to grab a bit of the spot light! They were the main thing that swayed me to go back and look over Roswell and read statements and look at the evidence because more and more people are coming out stating this. Going of topic quality win for us tonight! Heart was in my mouth for most the match! :)


{Ed001's Note - I don't know anything about Hellyer, nor do I have any idea what he had to say. Seeing words on paper gives no idea of the context or even if they were saying it very tongue in cheek. Then there is the possibility of them being misinformed or straight out lying. So I would still be dubious regarding any statements like that.}

Paul Hellyer was Canada's defence minister! He went public not long ago about ufos and aliens! he's done speeches and seminars! Not sure what to make ed you raise some good points! Still I definatley believe we have been visited and had contact with aliens there's just to many ex high ranking officials saying it's true for me not to believe! I completey understand where your coming from ed as my dad has the same point of view as you although he's a crazy treky


{Ed001's Note - I am just very cynical about people, they have motives, those motives can make them say things which aren't true. I would want to sit down and talk with him and get to know him, before I would trust his word. Even then I would need proof to entirely trust what he says.}

In a way I agree with what your saying as I don't know him nor have I had the chance to sit down and chat! Maybe they make financial gains from books and seminars once their careers are over and other officials just jump on the same band wagon! I don't know I started this post a true believer and know ed you've got me thinking these could be doing this for their own gains! Damn I love a good conspiracy! :)


{Ed001's Note - that is the thing, so many do it for money and fame, it is hard to know who to trust. Also, just because they are going public for money and fame, it doesn't necessarily mean they are lying or not worth listening to. For instance, in my opinion Jesse Ventura is just interested in making money out of whatever he does, but still there are things he has to say which are worth listening to. The problem is in picking out the good bits from the crap. After all, the CIA teach their agents to surround disinformation with as much truth as possible, because you need to have facts that can be checked to make the lies believable. If the 95% you can check is truth, it tends to make the remaining 5% seem likely to be true.}

Do you think the truth will ever come out ed?


{Ed001's Note - not in my lifetime, no.}

There has to be a point when a country or person still in a high ranking role comes out with hard evidence! I know Mexico have said they would do this but then at the last minute cover it up! I hope your wrong ed and we all discover the truth at some point in our lives!


{Ed001's Note - so do I mate.}

Mate if it means us winning the match and not watching it I will snap ya hands off, motd latersince I've calmed down the topic will always come down to proof which I have none Edo I think we have made first contact with aliens? Deffo, if we we have made contact would we use there technology? definitely! Until there is any full disclosure then we will be going round in circles!


{Ed001's Note - true.}

Agreed! Enjoyed that discussion though defo food for thought. talking of food time I made me some tea! I'm starvin marvin over here!


{Ed001's Note - funny it made me hungry too!}