17 Nov 2015 10:20:34
i have a horrible gut feeling the way the russians have broadcasted to the media that it was a terrorist attack that brought their plane that they had something to do with it.

it was definitely not the west who done it, they don't want russia anywhere near syria plus I can't see it being a isis type military group because they are already up against assad and putin airforce, this plane getting bombed can only mean one thing, a step up by the russians to step up its campaign and now have the excuse to be legitmately being there now.

{Ed002's Note - This is simply not the case. There have been arrests.}

17 Nov 2015 12:01:22
More likely Mossad pulling the strings on this imo Franky.

17 Nov 2015 12:57:28
In my not so professional opinion it always seemed to me when a government or some sort of organisation declared a terrorist or some kind of false flag attack. It was reported immediately in the msm with some underlying agenda. I just don't feel the same about this one, the Russians again in my opinion would just go in without needing a pretext and it took a while for them to break the news. But again you never know, anybody can be up to anything.

17 Nov 2015 14:54:38
it really makes no sense for isis or whoever to get russia involved,
the west do not want russia anywhere near syria so you can rule them out, isis now want to get bombed from everyone?

who really gains from that plane getting bombed? before it went down msm were hot on putin backing a so called dictator, threatening many things against russia. anyone who thinks how could a government use an incident like that to justify military action should google the gulf of tonkin incident, as for arrests made, the guilford 4 and LHO to name a few proves its not that hard to frame people.


{Ed033's Note - Good points, franky

17 Nov 2015 20:51:15
ISIS are rebelling against the nations bombing Syria. Russia are one such nation. Its also why the US have been threatened next.