10 Jun 2020 12:30:50
Fake Mainstream Media told what to do, told what to say.

This will be the greatest thing you see today! I’m rollin 😂🤣#FakeNewsAlert #EnemyOfThePeople pic.twitter.com/KFUFzBuPy7

— Karli Q ⭐️⭐️⭐️ (@KarluskaP) June 9, 2020

10 Jun 2020 12:32:47
All of mainstream media told to say the exact same words to output the exact same narrative.

Video from Human Rights lbry.tv channel

10 Jun 2020 13:01:15
How convenient, George Floyd [crisis actor?] allegedly has a twin brother, except he forgets which character's name to say and then has to correct himself.

So now George Floyd has a twin brother named “Greg”???

Now all of a sudden he has a new found “twin” brother is fishy as H€££!

Sometimes you can’t tell the public the truth. YOU MUST SHOW THEM👇

Retweet if you agree
👉 @BlondieKAG pic.twitter.com/Pz8SCo5L7p

— 👑𝔹𝕃𝕆ℕ𝔻𝕀𝔼👑 (@BlondieKAG) June 9, 2020

10 Jun 2020 13:22:22
Another crisis actor? is George Floyd's alleged 2nd Grade teacher who is given the name w aynel sex ton to not only let us know it's an act, but how sick they are.

10 Jun 2020 13:28:48
George Floyd is 235LBs and 6’4”. The casket model is the Promethean and Weighs 310LBs which take 2 weeks to manufacture!, and maybe 6 guys or is it 4 are dancing with it?

235 pounds. 6’4”.

Use logic https://t.co/0izLPDhaet

— l E T 17 (@Inevitable_ET) June 9, 2020

10 Jun 2020 16:23:18
Yes the brother steps forward just like Stephen Paddock's or am I over thinking this?


{Ed033's Note - You would never confuse your name with your brother's name because it wouldn't enter your head.

The whole world is in chaos over obvious crisis actors, which have been used on the news for years.

11 Jun 2020 07:50:11
That’s not George floyds twin brother or a crisis actor. It’s Stephen Jackson, an ex NBA player who looks like him. They were friends and referred to each other twins due to facial resemblance. There are pictures of them together when floyd was alive.

Is odd he forgets his name though.


{Ed033's Note - Ok thanks.

11 Jun 2020 08:57:11
If this is a false flag, why have the Minneapolis Mayor and Police dept. not come out and say these four guys are not ours? Why have police officers not come forward and said we don't recognise these guys?


{Ed033's Note - It could be that the chief of Police and Minneapolis Mayor know they have to go along with the agenda or else?