15 Jul 2021 23:40:11
'Wobbling' moon will cause devastating worldwide flooding in 2030s, Nasa warns

{Ed033's Note - I think the only way the Moon we see is going to 'Wobble' is if they've found a way to 'disrupt' what we see as the Moon.

More 'Climate Change' predicative programming to condition people for Control more like.

16 Jul 2021 08:48:16
I've no doubt NASA and their friends will tell us that becoming carbon neutral will help minimise the risk of the Moon wobbling.

Clearly they're up to something though.


{Ed033's Note - Yes.

17 Jul 2021 00:19:29
Well I don't think the moon is a solid rock in space .


{Ed033's Note - Right, government agencies in their documents call it a 'Disk'.

17 Jul 2021 09:44:10
Funny I thought it was the supposed ball earth that wobbles.
I thought it was the constant movement we don't feel it.
The wobble must be constant laugh out loud.
Now the moon does I've got to ask.
Was there a moon, a cow and spoon?
And climate change?
It goes from hot to cold at flick of a switch .
Its either personally in my opinion, Heating up or cooling down .
If it goes back and forward that would suggest the earth does its own thing .
Apparently it's so big and were a mere speck .
Again would suggest bigger things are at play .
I do find it interesting annuaki apparently needed gold to heat their earth .
And old Bill Lucy gates wants or has been spraying silver.

17 Jul 2021 11:49:04
And a disc is a more accurate description to what I or believe we all see just depends on how much of programming sticks.

19 Jul 2021 19:29:58
Its almost like they are preparing us for the part when the model (like at school) falls apart and the 'moon' drops from the strings. obviously more taxes and expensive damaging electric cars can solve this! And of course not eating meat, and living in a shack will mean we are saving the planet! What a con.