02 Aug 2021 10:04:44
So my sister has had both jabs yet she was positive for C.V.. I. She told me you can still get it but the symptoms won't be as bad or serious. I haven't had the jab so she tells me you could have it and not know about it spreading it about infecting folk. If that was the case you would just simply harvest my dna and jab everyone and we will all be fine with or without C.V. and make me a billionaire. She then tells me don't talk rubbish! The worlds gone fecking mad She doesn't get irony😂😂😂🤣.

02 Aug 2021 10:47:18
I hear you Pud, world has gone mad. Seems to be a massive lack of critical thinking out there now. Anyone who doesn't follow the mainstream narrative and get vaxxinated is an anti vaxer. I have had numerous people at me because I have not been vaxxed. I contracted C.V. in October last year and got over it fine, the worse part about it for me was not being able to smell or taste anything.

Yet when I say to people who tell me to get jabbed that I have had C.V. and got over it and have built up my immunity to it as much as, or if not more, than what they think they have through a "vax", people's response is that I should get it anyways and it can't hurt to get some extra protection! Like seriously what is going on in people's heads these days? It is crazy and people literally have lost their minds.

Additionally, I was up in my girlfriend's mother's house this weekend and she is pure pro vax because the telly told her if you don't get it you will catch C.V. and die. Anyways, when I was up there she got a text from her brother and his wife saying that both of them had tested positive for C.V. and were quarantining. Both had been fully vaccinated back early this year.

So I asked her could she now see that the "vaxs" basically are not the saviour she thought they would be and that. Her response was that it was because of unvaccinated people who gave it to them and also that it was the delta variant. So I pressed on how she knew it was the delta variant and she said because the government was saying it was all the delta variant now here and that's why the "vax" didn't work.

Pressing her for detail on how they can distinguish between variants in an already flawed PCR test was a losing battle so I left it. Additionally, turns out they contracted it from their son who returned from a sun holiday in Greece. who was also double jabbed too. that conversation was also a dead end trying to get through to her as she had been blaming people who didn't get the jab. My point is that people have completely lost their ability to do critical thinking (if they ever had that capability in the first place) . It's just mind boggling.


{Ed033's Note - Right, our main problem is the sheer number of Sheeple who can't think anything other than what they're told from mainstream media.

I guess that the Sheeple will assume that the 'Booster' shots they will be told to take are because of the unjabbed spreading 'Variants'. And they can't work out that there were no 'Variants' before the Jabs.

02 Aug 2021 10:49:49
The only people testing positive are the vaxxinated as anyone unvaxxinated now wouldn't waste time getting a test.


{Ed033's Note - Pity the Sheeple can't come to a conclusion that either the Tests don't work or the Jabs don't work.

02 Aug 2021 13:24:25
Yes, the only reason she ‘knows’ it’s the Delta variant is because that’s what she’s seeing on TV. The PCR test cannot distinguish. As Peter said the only people testing positive are the vaccinated.

This worldwide PSYOP is working because 90% of the population accept the news on the TV as fact. Stop watching TV. They’re called programmes for a reason.


{Ed033's Note - Right.