27 Sep 2022 22:21:17
Pro vaxx cardiologist does U turn, now admitting it's killing people.

{Ed032's Note - Thanks, Rian. Just how many 'professionals' 'waking up' does it really take to stop this utter madness?

Meanwhile. The sheep are still queuing up for their next booster. ?‍♂️

28 Sep 2022 11:55:48
I'm guessing what woke this guy up is the unexpected death of his father. Otherwise, this guy probably wouldn't have looked into it.

28 Sep 2022 09:09:47
Smacks of 'arse covering'. He's failed in his primary duty- first do no harm. Acting like the snake he is and trying to squirm out of blame and prosecution.

28 Sep 2022 14:59:21
Exactly Ed033. He was very aware and clearly very proud of his father's fitness which was very impressive given his age.

It's terrible that he was so blinded by the mainstream narrative, and it took the tragic death of his father to make him realise that this so called vaccine is anything but that.

At least he is speaking out, but I doubt the beeb or Good Morning Britain will run this story.

28 Sep 2022 21:16:44
It's good that he's speaking out but too late for him to earn much credibility.
He's played his part in convincing thousands to have this crap injected into them.
He took the word of serial liars without doing his own analysis of what little data there was at the start which in itself should have made him suspicious.
How anyone,especially those in the medical profession could have gone along with this beggars belief.