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07 Dec 2022 06:50:35
I said to my mate I expect the coldest winter in many years because of the agenda, -6 just near Glasgow today.

Do they heve a weather machine?
Has anyone heard the planes you cannot see?


{Ed032's Note - They have been manipulating the weather since the 1950's, auldweeman.

Ed033 has posted videos showing planes that have been filmed but when you watch the video frame by frame, it definitely isn't a plane. The images are run through software to show depth and dimensions and the 'plane' shown is in 2D. Real planes are put through the same software and show the 'real plane' in 3D.

I forget the name of the channel, I will try and find it for you. Perhaps Ed033 can refresh my mind of who the content creator is?

1.) 07 Dec 2022 10:51:48
Rebel without a pause youtbe channel

{Ed032's Note - That's them. Thank you, Ed033.

I think this is the video I was referencing but RWAP has several videos on the subject of fake planes so I have also linked his channel for you to peruse, auldweeman.

True Earth, Fake Planes Pt 4, are they an illusion ?or, are we being watched ?

2.) 08 Dec 2022 03:38:24
Cheers for that, nicely done on the Scots guy, I remember watching this before.

Nah but somethine else. I've known about cloud seeding since the late 80's early 90's when msm was showing China and Russia doing it with gypsum or cement particles to clear the clouds for military parades.

I'm hearing a low frequency hum before bad weather of late.
Then again I might just be mad.
Seeking the truth is taking a toll on me.

{Ed032's Note - Without looking, I think it was 1953 when they started to admit to weather manipulation. Then you have Operation Popeye in the Vietnam war so by the 80's-90's the tech would have advanced. Image what the tech is like now!?

Not sure about the 'hum' you mention. Could be a whole number of things including natural phenomena like atmospheric density changes but equally it could be something like HAARP. I don't believe you are mad though, auldweeman. Don't let the Truth get you down, fella.




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08 Dec 2022 03:38:24
Cheers for that, nicely done on the Scots guy, I remember watching this before.

Nah but somethine else. I've known about cloud seeding since the late 80's early 90's when msm was showing China and Russia doing it with gypsum or cement particles to clear the clouds for military parades.

I'm hearing a low frequency hum before bad weather of late.
Then again I might just be mad.
Seeking the truth is taking a toll on me.


{Ed032's Note - Without looking, I think it was 1953 when they started to admit to weather manipulation. Then you have Operation Popeye in the Vietnam war so by the 80's-90's the tech would have advanced. Image what the tech is like now!?

Not sure about the 'hum' you mention. Could be a whole number of things including natural phenomena like atmospheric density changes but equally it could be something like HAARP. I don't believe you are mad though, auldweeman. Don't let the Truth get you down, fella.



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07 Dec 2022 10:58:18
Yes does seem like the latter stages but I hope we can see ourselves through, however I do love your knowledge on these things and the time you take for peeps about it.

I've been more of a modernist with these things but kinda knew of the past, has been an eye opener on here of late.

I shall endevour to seek further.

Cheers good soul


{Ed032's Note - There will be/are, tough times yet to pass but the hope of Truth is always there. You just have to keep a firm grip and not be distract from walking the path, auldweeman.

Take care and stay strong. ??



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07 Dec 2022 09:51:33
That's right, They own science now.
What did it start with "The Global Commons"


{Ed032's Note - I wouldn't say that's where it started but 'they' own, control and ration everything which is everyone's to share and have equal sovereign rights too. I mean, that is a completely satanic act in itself. No surprises, ah?.

The way I see it is something happened around circa 1500AD. Between the end of the so called 'Dark Ages' and then, anyhow (Atlantis-Atlanteans/Mudflood/Tartarian theories. It is difficult to know as I wasn't there. Much like any other living soul. The actual timeline of the his-'story' we are told has been manipulated and probably 1000 years added and events mixed up to hide Truth). This is where the Ages of the 'Light-Bearer' took over and the Satanic one's started to gain control. 1600's they started burning down all the cities and erasing Truth to create the 'Big Deception'. The righteous souls of the Realm are sullied, hypnotised and indoctrinated into the new 'Beast' system. Sadly, now, it seems like the souls are receiving the 'Mark' and we are in the latter phases of the 'plan'.



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07 Dec 2022 09:44:24
An early doors one for me was a healthy 30 year old friend, super healthy, natural causes and her mum asked for an autopsy 8 month waiting list.

If you watch things like Died Suddenly and see the suppression of the truth as well as what we all read on here it is mental what they are getting away with.

A causeless death come on, I'm nearly 50 and seen many family people away, I never seen one death certificate without multiple causes.


{Ed032's Note - Really sorry for your loss, auldweeman.

8 months? That is ridiculous. It's just the LE stopping autopsies being carried out. They would forget all about doing them altogether if they could, to aid the cover-up. Much like Big Pharma trying to suppress and not release the vaxx data for over 70 years. I mean, that screams of lies and deceit but yet people think there is 'nothing to see here' ?‍♂️



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07 Dec 2022 06:41:47
Before the end of 2019 I can't remember a person that believed what any politician said, not one.


{Ed032's Note - I often ask the asheep this.

"So you actually trust what a politician tells you?"

Even now they say "No"

"But you trust them when they tell you to get some poisons injected which haven't been properly tested for the short-term out comes, let alone the long-term consequences, that bypass your natural Intelligently Created body defences and they don't and never will stop you catching or spreading a make-believe virus that you falsely tested positive for, using a test that can not detect disease, illness or anything of any use towards health?"




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