01 Nov 2015 22:23:31
Do you think sites like this will come under the scrutiny of intelligent seeking organisations and your thought on how it will be illegal to investigate MPs.

{Ed033's Note - What is "intelligent seeking organisations"?
i'm sure if an organisation is seeking intelligent people, then this site should be high on their list to scrutinise.

MPs are typically either, 'Yes' Persons (so they might continue in politics) or corrupt, mendacious, dastard poltroons. Either way no one in their right mind would allow them to make any decisions or legislation on their behalf. So of course to protect themselves they would obviously want to make it illegal to investigate them.

The problem is, when it next comes round to vote, how many adults just automatically, without thinking vote for such a dastardly person and all they know about such person is they either wear a red tie or a blue tie.

01 Nov 2015 23:55:44
The problem with votes is, if votes meant anything they wouldn't let us vote.


{Ed033's Note - Good point but it's more about the mindset of people that never stop and think as to why you would ever want to intentionally vote for corrupt degenerates.

02 Nov 2015 00:33:48
Is that someone's quote, positive I've heard that before with someone's name signing off in the end of it on book face lol.

02 Nov 2015 01:56:28
Get a VPN and TOR browser and go and have fun that's my suggestion to you guys . Everything you do on here is monitored if need be.

02 Nov 2015 07:56:37
They probably already do monitor it.

02 Nov 2015 16:35:12
I think intelligence is pretty airtight and incidents that do breach security are let do or stage managed .
whilst working away I once attended a rally in N England in support of Palestine. The next week end when flying home I was stopped by security Belfast side "Routine check " but a strange question was asked "do you attend protest whilst in England ". Basically they were saying we know you did.
There were several thousand at rally. More than a coincidence I though.

02 Nov 2015 18:01:46
KPs first rule: There is no such thing as coincidence.

02 Nov 2015 16:26:36
Meant intelligence gathering organisations ed whether it be government or other. Sorry for misspelling.


{Ed033's Note - i guessed what you really meant. I'm sure you'd agree that the intelligence level of people who visit this site is greater than other sites?

02 Nov 2015 20:54:28
Wouldn't miss doubt it.

02 Nov 2015 23:04:04
For men yes ;)

03 Nov 2015 01:28:40
Growbun, the problem with things like that is they open certain ports on your routers, unless you know what you're doing anyone can access you via those ports.

And believe it or not, there are people who consistently attack those common port numbers on millions of people at a time. So yeah it's very likely.

03 Nov 2015 10:53:37
i have the tor broswer and a vpn to be honest I never use them because I think why should I hide what I say or think? and it would not surprise me if they were both like a spiders web trying to draw in certain types of people. to answer the original question, I do think this site has or is being watched, plenty of flame threads when certain subjects have been mentioned and I am guessing the more popular the site gets the more watched it will become.


{Ed033's Note - If you use the tor browser and a vpn then yes, at a certain security/intelligence level, you potentially place a target on yourself.

03 Nov 2015 13:22:49
Easiest trick in the book.

03 Nov 2015 16:38:18
Think its called the mouse trap you bait it with something nice that people don't think is a danger something very attractive to the kind of people you want to catch. And wait and see who takes the bait.

03 Nov 2015 17:48:21
I haven't reached that stage of paranoia yet. I think you can worry yourself sick about stuff. I mean it took all the C. I. A might to catch Ross ulbricht, and like everything else one falls and ten more step up. its almost impossible to catch the guys at the bottom making use of those sites and most of the main focus at the moment is the terrorism bullshit,

03 Nov 2015 21:26:00
You mean fbi.

04 Nov 2015 18:12:22
I'm tempted to do a brief write up on the different agencies.

05 Nov 2015 19:24:46
Sorry Kim were you waiting for a reply? Yes A brief write up would be of help, I have a vague idea but to be honest I my was a while ago when the Silk Road thing broke and I couldn't quite remember and never check my facts. But you get the point 😀.

07 Nov 2015 18:49:28
Speaking of Silkroad, one of my online friends disappeared the very same day that Silkroad got taken down.

07 Nov 2015 23:10:03
I'm working on it. Where would like to start?

09 Nov 2015 17:38:46
I find this site full of interesting information so anything you can think of Kim would be very helpful.