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06 Nov 2014 11:46:36
Eds, regulars, anyone! I'm looking for some new reading material. Any good, interesting books about conspiracies, JFK or the like? Thanks for your help


1.) Sorry mate I am not a massive book fan, been trying to get into the book edd02 suggested but I have the attention span of a fish, and I am ashamed to say I have prob not read more than 10 books in my life, I would steer away from jfk as its been done to death and new books are prob disinfo or someone trying to make money, my theory on new books is 90% are going to be lies, its trying to find the 10% that have substance to them, if I was you I would try a get a conspiracy book that was wrote in 60s 70s and early 80s as it was a bit more free to get more info, just my take on it.

2.) Thanks Franky, much appreciated!

3.) Jfk is the ultimate in conspiracies, however I think it's obvious on who and how it was done is clear and what baffles me now is JFK Jr. death? If anyone has any good links please post.

The theory was he was about to expose who was behind his dad's death and also run for president. And who was behind it was George h bush snr and at the time of jfk jr's death george bush jr was running for president also.
Hmmmm this will never go away which is a shame.

4.) Regarding JFK, I just wanted to ask, as i've read and heard in quite a few places (sorry if this sounds silly), that he was going to go public on a number items, including the existence of UFO's and ExtraTerrestrial beings. How true was this?

5.) 7 days before his assassination this is what he said.
"There’s a plot in this country to enslave every man, woman, and child. Before I leave this high and noble office, I intend to expose this plot"
He knew to much.

6.) Cheers Herbie for that. I wonder, where /whom he was getting the information from to expose the plot? Obviously, being the President at the time, he would have has access to a wealth of information. However, I wonder whether he had access to information on most 'black project's'?

Also, I wonder, if he didn't say those words in public and kept quiet until he was live on air to expose the details, would he still have been assassinated?

7.) All presidents need to answer to the higher order, JFK unfortunately did not fit into that agenda.
I believe he would still have been taken out.


This is a good read that tells you just about everything you need to know abut JFK and the assassination.



19 Oct 2014 16:47:36
I've been reading up on the Beatles recently. I was just wondering if anyone had any interesting stories about the members that might have been covered up or that the public just weren't aware of. Thanks


1.) Not so much a coverup story but many people will not know that john kerry (obama war dog )was at a lennon peace rally in the 70s, either his views on war has changed or he was there to moniter lennon.,8543,-10104949973,00.html

2.) Have you never heard of the false Paul McCartney stories? Total BS in my opinion but there's a documentary worth watching just for the sheer entertainment value and the work the guys have done to piece it all together. The Last Will and Testament of Georg Harrison.

3.) Thanks guys. And yes Ed007, I have heard of the McCartney death conspiracies. I don't believe them either!

Much like Tupac, I was wondering if the Beatles weren't as poor or 'normal' as they were portrayed? (Tupac was given acting lessons and other things to portray himself as being a poor man - one of the Eds backed this up as well)

{Ed001's Note - not quite what I said, he went to a stage school as a child, but he was from a poor area and not a rich boy. His mother, while famous for her role in the Black Panthers, was a crack addict and so there was no money. He wasn't a gangster by any means though, and the Thug Life stuff was all an act to be 'down with the streets', while his best friend was actually Jada Pinkett.}

4.) Lennon McCartney and Harrison were no means poor but they were not exactly rich, I think its well documented lennons aunty was middle class, ringo starr did come from a poor or should I say average liverpool home in those days, harrinsons childhood home has just got sold today for 135k not exactly a lot for a icon.



16 Jun 2014 22:28:43
Does anyone else think there's something fishy about the Michael Schumacher story? Comes out of a coma after 6 months and is then somehow well enough to go home? Also, the media went vey quiet on it a week or two after it happened. Doesn't sound right to me.


{Ed001's Note - sounds normal to me. The media just get bored.}

1.) He hasn't gone home Kenny. He was transferred to a hospital in Switzerland.


2.) I think well enough to come home is not the term I would use, the feller is prob in a very bad state but is alive, thankfully the worlds press are not all over this story maybe because they are in brazil.

3.) I think the real issue (whilst I'm glad he's OK) is the lack of equality in this world. Most 'normal' people would have had their machine switched off.

4.) I think if and when we do see Schumacher in public again he will look visibly different. Absolutely no one could be the same from being in a coma as long as he has and he may well still have a short life span. Wasn't Rik mayall in a coma for 5 days which is still quite a long time which wouldn't have helped his health?




14 Mar 2014 14:29:18
Hi guys,

I'm thinking about watching the Zeitgeist movies this weekend. For those that have already seen them, what do you make of them? Are they worth watching?



1.) Yes they are worth watching, there is more truth than fiction.

2.) Thanks Franky. I'm looking forward to watching them.

3.) Well worth a watch Kenny.


4.) Watched the first of them today with my house mate. He's one of those who hasn't really thought about any of it, just rather oblivious to the whole lot! But he seemed to enjoy it and agree with most of what's being said.

It just goes to show that people will take notice if they have access to the facts. Unfortunately that's difficult with this ultra-controlled world we live in.

I'm looking forward to watching the others now.

5.) Nice one kenny, its all about spreading the word, knowledge is power.



07 Mar 2014 12:12:35
Eds, regulars. What does everyone think is going on with Russia, Ukraine etc at the moment? I'm sure it's been widely discussed but I've not been on in a while.

I'm always skeptical of anything involving the US. With the price of oil going up dramatically, I wouldn't be surprised if there was some sort of deal between the US and Russia to make it look worse than it is in order to generate more money as both countries have vast amounts of oil.



{Ed001's Note - I really have no idea what is going on there, I still just don't understand why we are being fed the same lies about oil running low etc. We can turn those millions of acres of rapeseed the UK has into fuel oil, just as efficient as the crude oil they pull out of the ground. I wouldn't be surprised if this was as much about the Ukraine's vast fields of food crops, as it is about oil. One thing is for sure, whatever is happening, none of it will be for the benefit of the vast majority of people in the region, and the world for that matter.}

1.) My thoughts are precisely the same as Ed001. No idea what's actually going on (as I choose not to believe the media regarding international stories) but whatever it is, will be of little benefit to anyone bar TPTB.


2.) 07 Mar 2014 17:59:26
Bingo Ed, its not called the bread basket of Europe for nothing.

Kim Philby

3.) As Ed has already alluded that the media does not report the truth, coupled with the vast amount of questionable sources of information available through a quick search of the web, its impossible to pinpoint the motives of the movers and shakers behind the crisis.

But YoungKenny, IMHO is on the right track. There is so much hidden hand stuff going on I would agree that there are plenty of deals going down right now. By whom?. who knows? and for what?. In the end, no matter how it is dressed up, its always money.


4.) Thanks for the replies guys, always great to interact with everyone on here.




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15 Nov 2015 23:15:14
If The West (US, UK etc) wasn't directly involved then they at least knew about the plot and chose to do little to prevent it. That's my opinion.
With all the surveillance and monitoring we experience on a daily basis, I find it impossible to believe that no one knew this attack was coming.
This incident is uncannily perfect for them at the moment. When public support for the wars in The Middle East are on the wane, oh look, here's a Syrian, Muslim terrorist. Another excuse to continue our destabilisation of that area as well as removing yet more rights and freedoms this side of the world.
Alternatively - say this was a genuine terrorist attack. What purpose does all this surveillance/ data control serve? IF YOU CAN'T STOP TERRORIST ATTACKS THEN GIVE ME BACK MY FREEDOMS AND RIGHTS! Sorry for shouting.




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Thanks Franky, much appreciated!




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Thanks guys. And yes Ed007, I have heard of the McCartney death conspiracies. I don't believe them either!

Much like Tupac, I was wondering if the Beatles weren't as poor or 'normal' as they were portrayed? (Tupac was given acting lessons and other things to portray himself as being a poor man - one of the Eds backed this up as well)


{Ed001's Note - not quite what I said, he went to a stage school as a child, but he was from a poor area and not a rich boy. His mother, while famous for her role in the Black Panthers, was a crack addict and so there was no money. He wasn't a gangster by any means though, and the Thug Life stuff was all an act to be 'down with the streets', while his best friend was actually Jada Pinkett.}



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Thanks Ed, very helpful!




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Can you explain the difference between lawful and legal please Ed?



{Ed033's Note - yes go to our new page here




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