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15 Nov 2022 18:21:49
The 2014 Go Fast Rocket - 100% proof the Earth is not a globe


{Ed032's Note - Thanks, RedHerring. I thought this was a repost of the GoFast rocket video and wasn't expecting the explanation. Good post, mate.



24 Feb 2022 10:35:01
Hi guys

I seem to remember there being a video/article a while back detailing how the CDC calculated how many people each dose of the vax has saved. I have tried to search, but to no avail. I don't want anyone to go scrounging through the archives for me, but if anyone has that content I would really appreciate it!


{Ed032's Note - Hi, RedHerring.

I am not sure to which video/article you are referring but technically speaking the vaxxine has saved NO lives as it is based on a computer simulated 'virus' that has never been isolated and doesn't even exist, much like ALL viruses don't and therefor all Vaxxines are a fraudulent way to increase fear in a population and the mounting evidence suggests that these toxic injections actually cause the so called 'virus' (disease) that they are supposed to make you/people immune. So by taking this in to account, they are only ending the lives of the people of this Realm. They 'help' nothing or no one in a positive way. They only help the LE continue their satanic agenda.

I assume you want the 'data' from this video/article to show someone else to awaken them from their forcefully and unquestionable, unopposed indoctrinated slumber?? I would be happy to pass on some information regarding this big fat 'red pill'.

1.) 24 Feb 2022 13:07:25
Hey Ed

Yes, the vaccine is being mandated at my place of work and I am compiling an objection to that mandate. One of the points made in the mandate is that according to the CDC a large number of lives are estimated to have been saved for every dose given. I was hoping to poke holes in that claim with solid data and reasoning.

{Ed032's Note - OK, RedHerring. I am sorry to learn of this.

If you type 'exemption' into the search box at top of page. The 4th post down is a compilation of material that may be of use to you, compiled by Ed033. It was posted on 09 Dec 2021 13:42:30. There are links within and it will save me a fair bit of time having to recode the links for you

Hopefully this information will help you avoid being put in the situation of losing your job on refusing the vaxxine.

If you have trouble finding it, I am happy to do my best to help you.

2.) 24 Feb 2022 13:36:47
Remember the videos where someone opens up the Patient Information Leaflet that comes with the C.V. vials and the Leaflet is blank. The question is; how can anyone give Informed Consent when the Patient Information Leaflet is blank?

In general though; how can anyone mandate, coerce, force anyone to get a C.V. injection without Informed Consent or a specific agreement in place? Surely anyone doing so would be aiding and abetting in a crime and breaking International Laws.

The 2 initial questions to ask are:
1. Show me the agreement where i agreed to take an experimental injection?

2. Show me how and when i gave Informed Consent to take an experimental injection?

Assuming, you don't get jabbed, this leads to the point of an ultimatum of; get the jab or get fired, so it's important to record meetings and keep any paperwork showing that they fired you because of not getting an injection and not any other reason. After the ultimatum, you'd hand them a conditional acceptance - notice of liability type document, showing that you're not in dishonour of refusing. Then after the firing, it's court time.

3.) 24 Feb 2022 20:48:48
Thanks for your replies Eds. Sadly I am not sure that the courts will be an option for me. Here in South Africa it is apparently legal for private companies to mandate the vax. People have already tried and failed to take these matters to court. I will do everything I can to resist, but when these f@%*ers come for your livelihood and you have a family to support it really backs you in to a corner. Thank you Ed032 for the search phrase. I am going to check it out now.

{Ed032's Note - I can see your predicament. I wish I was able to help more and the following will probably not help because it is quite a big topic and may be a bit overwhelming. (We have a new 'Law Opinion' page which has all the information to explain, but there is a lot)

I am fairly new to this understanding myself but 'legal' is not 'lawful' i.e not the Law.

'Legal', 'mandates', 'acts' etc are all contractual. This means there needs to be a contract between two parties and in this instance, one party being you. You would have had to sign this 'contract' saying you agree to these terms to be vaxxinated, which you have not done so therefor it is against the 'law' for your boss to enforce you to do anything you have not consented to.

Basically ALL countries governments are fraudsters, it is the fact 'we the people' mostly go along with their BS that they get away with all their satanic control.

I know this probably sounds confusing. It isn't once you get your head around it, but it is difficult to change one's mindset to accept this as fact.

The people you speak of have lost their court cases because they have gone into the corrupt 'courts' which means, unless you are very clued up, you will be tricked by legalese (legal speak/Blacks Law Dictionary) and by answering a certain way you consent to their trickery.

I am frustrated I can not explain this better for I am learning it all myself.

I apologise for being hopeless in helping you but, for what it is worth, I am sending you very positive vibes, RedHerring. Wishing you the best of luck getting the right outcome for you and your family.

4.) 24 Feb 2022 21:27:16
Is your employer American?

5.) 25 Feb 2022 10:11:56
Thanks Ed032.

No Rian they are a South African company.



04 Dec 2021 12:58:25
Is there any way to access older videos? I remember there being a video on here where the inventor (I think) of the PCR test talks about how it is not suitable for testing for covid. Busy having a debate with someone about this topic...


{Ed032's Note - I think you mean this? Hope it helps, RedHerring


1.) 04 Dec 2021 17:19:19
You can search for older videos, ideally using 1 word search terms using the search box

{Ed032's Note - I did try that myself but with no luck finding above video, Ed033. Maybe I was using the wrong word but I used alternative means using up a lot of time. Hope it was the video duccablue was looking for otherwise my time was wasted.

2.) 04 Dec 2021 20:29:58
Thanks SM. It is the video I was looking for. I appreciate your time and effort.

{Ed032's Note - No need for thanks. I am glad to help out, RedHerring.

3.) 04 Dec 2021 20:58:54
That's the one Ed032.

Kinda handy that Kary Mullis died only a couple of weeks before the whole covid thing kicked off....

{Ed032's Note - We all know what really happened, Rian. Not that I am a cynic or anything. ( I would put a smiley face here but feel that's bad form)




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13 Jan 2023 10:04:28
Thank you sir! I just came across the usual Tesla quote debunked nonsense that you would expect to find with regard to suppressed information.


{Ed032's Note - Welcome, RedHerring. I'll make a new post once I get a reply. ?



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12 Jan 2023 20:17:08

Do you know in which interview or where NT said this? Struggling to verify this quote myself.


{Ed032's Note - Hi, RedHerring.

Good question, as I too was trying to find verification before I posted it as it was taken from a secondary source. A trusted secondary source, mind you. But nonetheless, it wasn't a verified direct quote. I will look into it as it is from a source that I am looking at whether purchasing a Tesla healing device maybe a better option for me, than an AquaCure AC50 and they are someone that collects and restores these items.

I tried researching these healing devices myself but it is all suppressed and hidden and I couldn't really find any information, yet I have seen them with my own eye's so I know they exist. Much like most of Tesla's books are not available, which is where I would assume this quote is from. All of his stuff is hard to find.

I will reach out and ask someone if they can supply the actual source, RedHerring. I'll get back to you ?



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25 Feb 2022 10:11:56
Thanks Ed032.

No Rian they are a South African company.




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24 Feb 2022 20:48:48
Thanks for your replies Eds. Sadly I am not sure that the courts will be an option for me. Here in South Africa it is apparently legal for private companies to mandate the vax. People have already tried and failed to take these matters to court. I will do everything I can to resist, but when these f@%*ers come for your livelihood and you have a family to support it really backs you in to a corner. Thank you Ed032 for the search phrase. I am going to check it out now.


{Ed032's Note - I can see your predicament. I wish I was able to help more and the following will probably not help because it is quite a big topic and may be a bit overwhelming. (We have a new 'Law Opinion' page which has all the information to explain, but there is a lot)

I am fairly new to this understanding myself but 'legal' is not 'lawful' i.e not the Law.

'Legal', 'mandates', 'acts' etc are all contractual. This means there needs to be a contract between two parties and in this instance, one party being you. You would have had to sign this 'contract' saying you agree to these terms to be vaxxinated, which you have not done so therefor it is against the 'law' for your boss to enforce you to do anything you have not consented to.

Basically ALL countries governments are fraudsters, it is the fact 'we the people' mostly go along with their BS that they get away with all their satanic control.

I know this probably sounds confusing. It isn't once you get your head around it, but it is difficult to change one's mindset to accept this as fact.

The people you speak of have lost their court cases because they have gone into the corrupt 'courts' which means, unless you are very clued up, you will be tricked by legalese (legal speak/Blacks Law Dictionary) and by answering a certain way you consent to their trickery.

I am frustrated I can not explain this better for I am learning it all myself.

I apologise for being hopeless in helping you but, for what it is worth, I am sending you very positive vibes, RedHerring. Wishing you the best of luck getting the right outcome for you and your family.



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24 Feb 2022 13:07:25
Hey Ed

Yes, the vaccine is being mandated at my place of work and I am compiling an objection to that mandate. One of the points made in the mandate is that according to the CDC a large number of lives are estimated to have been saved for every dose given. I was hoping to poke holes in that claim with solid data and reasoning.


{Ed032's Note - OK, RedHerring. I am sorry to learn of this.

If you type 'exemption' into the search box at top of page. The 4th post down is a compilation of material that may be of use to you, compiled by Ed033. It was posted on 09 Dec 2021 13:42:30. There are links within and it will save me a fair bit of time having to recode the links for you

Hopefully this information will help you avoid being put in the situation of losing your job on refusing the vaxxine.

If you have trouble finding it, I am happy to do my best to help you.




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